Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm in Shape. Round is a Shape!

Yep, that's what the T-shirt has written across it. I saw this T-shirt in a window a while back. Tonight I saw it on a man, in a cafe, as he salivated over the dessert offerings.

I wonder if he is sad? I wonder if he is masking his pain with humor? I wonder if he really just doesn't give a crap? Or maybe he really is trying to be funny by acknowledging what others might be thinking.

I wonder.

But what about you..........Are you in shape? What shape?


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Have you checked out the guy next door?

Today is the day to compare yourself with others.

Look at people around you....................
  • Are they younger than you?
  • Older than you?
  • Are they fatter than you?
  • Skinnier than you?
  • Are they healthier than you?
  • Sicker than you?
  • Do they have trouble walking?
  • Do they drive their cars even the shortest of distances?
  • Do they have back pain? Knee pain?
  • Do you ever see them out participating in physical activity?
  • What do you know about their eating habits?
  • Do they just sit around on these summer days snacking on foods that end in "o's"?
  • Can you name four not so good foods that end in "o's"?
  • Have they ever made comments about your commitment to health and weight loss?
  • Are they afraid to take their shirt off in public? Are you?

You can learn a lot about yourself by checking out others - especially in these summer months. So, check out the guy or girl next door regularly.

Are you feeling better about yourself?

If not, is he or she at least hot looking?

If not, remember, they just might be viewing this blog too! Don't let them win.

But all kidding aside, I know people ten and fifteen years younger than me who look like and feel like crap. Now I'm no god, and there's always room for improvement, but it makes you wonder...........

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

5 Foods That Make Me Happy

Hey Skinny!!
What are YOUR favorite foods?

We all have our favorite foods. But I can say, without a doubt, if it were not for these five foods life would not be complete; and I just might be fat:
  • Peanut Butter
  • Frozen Spinach
  • Couscous
  • Stewed Tomatoes
  • Frozen Corn

Okay, I know you're thinking what the.............................

But seriously, at any given point in the day if I am looking "for something", I usually turn to one of these five. They're all quick to prepare. They can all be used to pull a quick meal together. Some can even be combined into a lunch or dinner.

They're five foods I always have in the house. They're five foods that keep me satisfied. They're five foods that keep my motivation high when it comes to weight management. Five simple foods. They're not processed. They're not full of empty calories. They're not full of sugar. They're five FOODS - with nutritional value.

Do you have five faves? What are they? Hit the comments button and let others know.


Have you taken the survey. If not, CLICK HERE If you have taken the survey then ,get ready to ride by clicking here.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Back to School; Back to Dieting

Well around these here parts schools resume for a new year later this week.

I remember the excitement of new clothes and new school supplies. The clothes were usually fall outfits. It was typically still ninety degrees when school started. You couldn't wait for the day it was in the sixties. Excitement was in the air. The school supplies were new for about a week; then we slowly remembered that we had 175 days of the same old drudgery of being in school. Maybe we should have been given a mid-year school supply list? A 30 or 60 day list?

But I do remember the excitement; the anticipation. I know a lot of you reading this are getting your kids prepared for back to school. Perhaps it is also time for you to get prepared for back to dieting?

  • Is a new outfit in your future?
  • Maybe you need a new cookbook?
  • What supplies/kitchen tools might need to be replaced or purchased?
  • Do those vegetables in the garden need to be picked, packed and frozen?
  • Should you be thinking about attending the “Retreat From Your Weight Loss” weekend to ensure you keep the excitement level high. Register today! You know you want to. Just do it.
  • Is it time to get back to your weight loss support group?
  • Is it time to try a new approach to weight loss?

Yep, it’s back to school time. For most. (Some school districts are year round)

Yep, it’s back to dieting time. For most. (Some never stopped being weight conscious)

But here is my question for you............

What are you going to do today to ensure your weight loss efforts are still exciting in 30,60, 90, or 180 days. Or will this be another year you drop out of dieting?

Hey, have you emailed two fat friends to tell them to read this blog. You should. CLICK HERE

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Weight Loss Inspired By…………………………….


In her song Hung Up, the following line is sung by Madonna…………..

- “Time goes by so slowly for those who wait; no time to hesitate”

Boy did that line ever get me thinking about dieting and dieters.

I cannot begin to tell you the number of times people have told me they are waiting for it to sink in or for something to click. They are also frustrated with their lack of progress.

Sink in? Click? Sounds to me like hesitating.

- “Those who run seem to have all the fun” is the line that follows.

And no I’m not talking about exercise, I’m talking about taking steps towards making something click or sink in.

Are you hesitating? Should you be running? (was this post too deep for you; do you need an explanation?)

What is your next step if hesitation seems to be your mode? There's a fun life ahead of you if you just take some steps.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

What are you doing October 12th

Getting your butt on a bike I hope!

Okay, there are limited spaces remaining...........

But here is the deal.

It's a three story mansion (click here to see what it looks like) in Vermont, not far from Okemo Mountain. We'll spend three days together getting healthy and being fit. This is a guided bicycling weekend; a weekend to spend with other weight conscious people who are looking to "play" their way to a healthier and happier existence. We will ride 25 - 40 miles per on Saturday and Sunday. A shorter ride will occur on Friday for those who arrive earlier.

Did I say it’s a three story mansion (click here for another picture.)

We're gonna ride together (although I’m sure some will go off on their own – and that’s okay). There will be conversations about health, weight, changing our behaviors and so much more. There will be great food - I'm gonna cook for you! - great healthy food that is. There will be friendship. There will be tons of fun. And you're going to bond with a group of people who I am sure are going to become a new social network for you. Bottom line, we're gonna approach our weight issue from the perspective of doing something good for ourselves.

Did I say it’s a three story mansion (click here for another picture.) - with a playroom on the entire top floor.

So click on this link to read more about it.

I know you're interested. I know you have questions. Call me. Let's talk. Becasue I need to know ASAP. I've negotiated a great deal. This place normally goes for $5,000 for a weekend. But I've got to know.

Think how many times you said I wish I could take Rich home with me. Well here is probably the closest chance you're probably going to get!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Another Bakery. More candy. Yikes!

Took a drive to Vermont today to check out the mansion where I (and maybe you) will be staying on October 12 - 14. Have you clicked on the bicycle link on the right yet? You should. This is going to be cool.

I'll write more about the mansion tomorrow.

Anyway, my friend Jacki and I stopped at the Yankee Candle Factory Store on the way back. The smells throughout the building were heavenly; Heavenly Hash in one case!

This place is not only selling candles these days. There are opportunities to buy cake and cookies and candy and heavenly hash fudge throughout the building. Jacki commented how there were bakeries scattered throughout. She was right.

And everything looked and smelled so good. What do you do?

Very easy.

You pick up a currant plum candle and smell it. Then try to stop yourself from puking. Then you pick up jasmine green tea candle and inhale that vile smell and you're all better.

If those nasty smells don't keep you from eating I do not know what will.

Of course then you buy a cookie dough candle. They're calorie free!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Step out and look in!

Every so often I think it is important that we step out of our own weight loss and look back into it. Sometimes we're able to do it; other times we need some help.

Well yesterday I had lunch with a friend who has been struggling with being overweight for a veeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyy loooooooonnnnnnngggggg time. She just wanted to talk to me about some of her thoughts. Well within fifteen minutes I heard the following:

  • She realized surgery was not an option; she still needed to learn how to eat and control the emotions
  • She now eats breakfast; and not toaster pastry
  • She goes to the gym two or times per week (this happened after she found out that the $39.95 charge to her credit card every month for the past two years was not the insurance policy - although theoretically going to the gym could be an insurance policy)
  • She recognizes her difficult times - the evening
  • She eats a healthy lunch and healthy dinner
  • She still snacks at night; she has just changed what the snacks look like
  • She has removed most of the crap from her house
  • She knows changing her daily schedule (which she has the luxury of doing) will support her weight loss

When I pointed these out to her she seemed a bit uneasy at first, but then hopeful and optimistic.

She missed all these successes. And why? Because sometimes we're too busy feeling sorry for ourselves. Sometimes we’re so wrapped up in the daunting task of losing major amounts of weight. Or maybe we’re looking for the quick-fix? The shortcut?

So if this is you, step out of your weight loss and look back into it; even if it requires talking to a friend or hiring someone to do it with you.

Look at what fifteen minutes could do for you.

Now imagine if you had a weekend to look back in…………………………

Have you taken the survey. If not, CLICK HERE If you have taken the survey then ,get ready to ride by clicking here.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Barf! Gag! Yuk!

Yep, that's how I am feeling this morning looking at the choices in my kitchen. Not in the mood for oatmeal. Tired of eggs. If I drink one more smoothie this summer you'll be able to start milking me. A bowl of fruit and yogurt, while being nutritious, has about the appeal of................well let's not go there either.

What do I want?

I want something comforting.

I want something fun.

I want something warm.

I did buy some bananas yesterday. There is that jar of peanut butter up in the closet. I did buy those whole wheat wraps. And the George Forman grill is right on the kitchen counter.

Sound good? A warm peanut butter and banana wrap? That’s how I’m starting my day; with something I want instead of the same old, same old; which often times leads weight crazed people to cookies later in the morning.

But let's hear what you had today. Click on the comments button below and to the right.

But first a word from our sponsor..................

Have you taken the survey. If not, CLICK HERE If you have taken the survey then ,get ready to ride by clicking here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

You Think I Can Lose 10 lbs by Labor Day?

That was the question from a friend of mine just last night.

He is going away next weekend and wants to lose ten pounds. Oh, I'll bet you thought Labor Day, as in September 3rd. He's talking next Thursday as in August 30th!

So I responded I guess you can - if you take dumb, stupid approaches - like starving; or spending the next eight days at the gym. And even that is no guarantee.

So Jim proceeded to tell me how fat he has gotten via an old familiar summer friend that many of us know so, so, so well! ALCOHOL!

Now first of all he is like ten feet tall, so the fact that he gained ten pounds and notices it, made me smile. Usually ten pounds on the Jolly Green Giant (are you eating those veggies this week?) isn’t obvious; but he feels it. Hooray for the shorter people. Feel our pain. So I suggested this…………….

Why not cut the booze until you go away? Why not play some basketball which you love so much? Why not hop on your bike and ride a few miles with me this week? I'll pick you up near the end of my ride when I'm tired. But most importantly, how about you stop obsessing about the ten pounds and just start doing things that will remove it?

He left my house with some ideas and some things to ponder. That’s all I could offer him. That’s all I can really ever offer people………………things to ponder. You then have to decide what to do with it.

But I am curious………..for those of you who have been reading this blog, what things have I left you to ponder? Leave a comment.

Is it time to stop the obsession with your weight loss efforts and learn how to just live and lead a healthy lifestyle, meet some great people and have some fun?...... CLICK HERE

Monday, August 20, 2007

The number 11 bus

Today, or some day very soon, I am asking you to consider ditching the car and use the number 11 bus instead.

The number 11 bus????? Read on.............

Many years ago I met a comical waiter at a Chinese restaurant in New Milford, CT. I remember him telling me he had no car but relied on the number 11 bus to get everywhere.

Everywhere? One bus goes everywhere?

I knew bus routes were numbered, but I highly doubted that one bus went everywhere. So I inquired.

And then this young man stood tall, proud and strong and motioned to his legs - the number 11 bus!

How about you.............could a day of using the number 11 bus put you in a weight loss kinda mind?

No, you can't take Rich home with you (as some of you have hoped). But there might be an opportunity to hang with Rich in the very near future...... CLICK HERE

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Have you had 5 yet today?

Fresh is better than frozen. Frozen is better than canned?

What am I talking about?

I'll give you a hint. You should get at least five servings of them per day (there's a big push for nine servings if you're a guy).

Still need a hint? I hope not. I'm talking fruits and veggies.

Are you getting them? Regularly? Could you do better? How many have you had today? Why not have another serving right now?
  • You could munch on them instead of chips as you sit by the pool drinking that margarita.
  • You could add some to your cereal in the morning; or perhaps even add some cereal to them
  • You could try juice instead of coffee
  • You could puree them in a food processor and make a sorbet or a soup
  • Some you can stuff with a healthy grain
  • You could put lots of them in an alcoholic punch and just enjoy the part of the alcohol that got absorbed
  • You could _______________________ (come up with your own new way to enjoy them)

How about it - 5 fruits and veggies every day this week? Nine for the boys!

No, you can't take Rich home with you (as some of you have hoped). But there might be an opportunity to hang with Rich in the very near future...... CLICK HERE

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just an observation today

Why is it that some people get up on a Saturday morning and make a path to McDonalds while others get up and head to the linear path?

Do you have a sense of adventure? CLICK HERE

Friday, August 17, 2007

Is it a Cheat or a Choice?

I just finished looking up the word "cheat" at

Below are the first three definitions I ran into.
  1. to defraud; swindle
  2. to deceive; influence by fraud
  3. to elude; deprive of something expected

So I'm trying to figure out where eating sweets or taking an extra serving of pasta fits into the definition?

I can't believe, after a gazillion years of dieting, with all the options out there for dieting; I just can't believe that people are still allowing/using the word cheat.

So when I eat a cookie and someone suggests I cheated, first I remind them of how long I've had my weight off (almost 19 years). Then I share with them the word choice.

Because cheating is immoral and deceptive. Making a choice to indulge is an option; it is a right I have; and not one that you should be commenting on (especially as I look at your butt reaching across state lines).

So go ahead, continue to accuse yourself of cheating if you must. Feeling ashamed and angry with myself is such a better way to live.

I'd rather know that I made a choice - and one that I can feel good about.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

In the time it takes to eat a cupcake..............

What else could you do?

  • I could hug my dogs.
  • I could dial a friend.
  • I could watch a funny video on YouTube (while politically very incorrect - this is one of my favorites)
  • I could open a file of cards people have sent me over the years thanking them for support
  • I could dance to one of my favorite songs along with my birds

These are just a few things. I couldn't mention some of the others.

But if you think about it, the snack industry has trained us to turn to them when we are happy, sad, mad, angry, or glad. They have done this through a simple process of making it quick and easy. Heck, the food industry has done this, not just the snack industry. Quick and easy has led to large butts, boobs, and bellies.

So next time you're happy, sad, mad, angry, or glad, try find some quick fun that doesn't involve food. And do it again the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time and the next time.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I've got veggies to feed a small country

I've been the victim of kindness. People are giving/delivering me fresh veggies and herbs from their garden. I can't keep up with eating them. It looks like they are going to go bad and I'll be forced to throw them away. How sad!

Or I could coat them with a bit of olive oil and roast them. Then I could stick them in a container, toss them in the fridge, and pick at them during the next week/month/year. (yes, there are that many)

I think I'll do that. After all if it was a good loaf of bread or a container of rice pudding I wouldn't toss that. I wouldn't let those items go bad. I would find some way to consume them. Unfortunately probably not by roasting.

I can't remember the last time I saw a "good" loaf of bread go bad. Now a beautiful tomato; that's another story. But today that changes. Today's lunch.................................

A cucumber, tomato and mayo sandwich on some nice bread. Sound good?

Another tomato saved.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tax Abate for My Lost Weight!

Imagine if your government paid you to get Skinny. Do you think your chance of success would be greater or less?

Well if you think about it, it makes some sense. You would be causing less wear and tear on the infrastructure of the city/state/village/country. Perhaps fewer potholes. Fewer empty bags of cookies, chips and all that other crap would mean reduced garbage collection. You would be taking up less room allowing for more real estate to be constructed thus increasing the tax base of the municipality.

I think this could work.................

Too bad someone else already thought of it. (although my reasons point to a better argument)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Don't eat worms or pancakes for the wrong reason

It was 6:10 AM. I was out walking the dogs. They were out for a walk – a husband and wife. I commented on how I never see them this early in the morning.

Jackie’s response, “Well you know, the early bird catches the worm.”

My response, “Well on behalf of the dogs, they advise you not to get worms.”

The three of us chuckled and Jackie responded, “Okay, we’ll have to go get pancakes” as she rubbed her hands together in one of those yum-yum gestures.

We continued on our separate ways. But it got me thinking. So I’m just going to give you some thoughts to ponder………………….

• After your exercise routine do you often reward yourself with food? What kind?
• Have you ever actually determined how many calories you burned off and how many you are about to eat?
• Are you only exercising before food events; holiday dinners, picnics, big breakfasts?

Like I said, these are just some thoughts to ponder. I know you’re smart enough to figure out what to do with them. Right? Not sure? Go look in the mirror. Your smartness will be evident (or not).

Friday, August 10, 2007

You would have thought they were giving away gold

I walked into Costco this morning at 10:01 AM. There was a crowd around a table; they were pushing and shoving - easily 25 people trying to get near a six foot long table. I was wondering what was going on but I went on my merry way. By the time I had walked out of the next aisle the crowd had become smaller and then I saw what they were pushing and shoving each other for.........................

Pieces of pound cake and cookies.

Yes, each person was digging their hands into a container, one after another, to get that cookie or piece of cake. They were not individually placed, you had to reach into a container. But you would have thought they were giving away gold the way crowd stood there waiting.

Well here is what I think they were giving away - germs and boogers. All those hands dipping into the same container - several children; and who knows where those hands have been.

Well that's how I talk my way out of free samples. I also look at the size of the people grabbing. And u? What strategies do you use to talk yourself out of samples your waistline surely do not need?

Oh, five minutes later I saw another crowd. They were killing each other for pizza.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Everything's Better With Blue Bonnet On It

Yes, I'm aging myself this morning. But do you remember Blue Bonnet? Was everything really better with Blue Bonnet on it? Do they still make Blue Bonnet margarine? (I'm too lazy to Google it and find out.)

But seriously, when was the last time you sat back and really given some good long hard thought as to where your eating habits have been? Does 'to hell and back' ever come to mind? And where are they at this very moment - hell or back? When you walk around the grocery store do you ever laugh at what you used to buy or do you cry because you no longer think you should but wish you could?

And why was everything better with Blue Bonnet on it? Because mom said so? Because life wasn’t treating you so well? Because we didn’t know any better? Because it was on sale?

On a lawn not far from where I live is a plastic statue of a duck. The duck always has some costume on. Recently the duck was wearing a blue bonnet. Hmm…………I never had Blue Bonnet on duck.

Oh well, I missed out. I guess I’ll never know.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

What can you do better?

What can you do better/easier/faster now that you're eating right and losing weight?


Yes, there are ten blank spaces. There is a reason there are ten. I am challenging you to fill in the blanks.

Can you? Will you? The percentage of completed spaces will be directly correlated to your ultimate weight loss/health goal.

Go for it. Take pride in what you're doing.

And post the list here please.

Monday, August 06, 2007

1/2 a lb. to goal!

You're pissed. You're frustrated. The weight is still not coming off fast enough. You're up. You're down. You have good days. You have bad days. You have good weeks. You have bad. You have good and bad minutes, years, and decades; do I dare say centuries?

Let's revisit something I haven't written about in a long time.................

If you lost 1/2 lb per week; you'd be down 26 pounds in one year. Would you be disappointed? Are you twenty-six pounds less than you were one year ago? Are you fifty-two pounds less than you were two years ago? Statistically you are not.

I really want you to think about your weight loss approach. Are you down 3, 4, 5 pounds this week, only to be up 3, 4, or 5 pounds in the next week(s). Is your extreme dieting approach; even when you're following a proven weight loss plan - too extreme?

Do you realize what minimal effort it takes for most people to lose 1/2 lb per week? Minimal in most cases. Minimal.

Is it time to just once and for all shoot for losing 1/2 pound per week?

And to have some fun and laughs while doing it

Friday, August 03, 2007

Meet me at the 100 year old line

I just returned from a morning bike ride. I left very early – wanting to beat the heat.

As I was riding I starting gaining ground on two bicyclists in font of me. I was catching up to them very fast. I started to ask myself if they were even pedaling; and if they were not, how the hell were they staying upright???

I got closer.


I reached him first. He must have been 90 years old.

I passed him and reached her. She must have been 100 years old.

Okay, maybe they were not 90 and 100; maybe they just didn’t age very well. No, they were old. Really old. And at 8:30 in the morning on a hot humid day they were out cycling. Maybe that’s also why they’re so old and still alive.

And maybe the lazy, excuse-ridden people who read this blog need to think about this.

When I got up this morning I thought for a moment it would be too hot to ride. I’m glad I went out. I want to live to 100. Wanna join me?

Thursday, August 02, 2007

So you only ate a couple...........

There was a bag of shelled peanuts on top of the cabinet. The peanuts are for my birds. One of the birds loves to make a mess with the peanuts; tossing shells here and there.

When I walked through the kitchen I found that I was grabbing a couple of peanuts. I typically only did this once per day, but I did it. Then one day the peanuts were gone; the birds and Rich ate them all. Now during the time period between when the bag was gone and I replaced the peanuts I ate none. When the peanuts came back I put them on top of the cabinet and guess what?

Yes, I know it was only two peanuts. Yes, I know they have only a few calories, hardly any points, some protein, some fat. Yes, I know it does not seem so terrible. But what really is the bigger picture here that you can apply to yourself; that you can learn?

Look to the right and click comments to add your answer. I'd love to know that you "get it"!