Thursday, September 18, 2008

Don't forget to................

  • Eat your veggies
  • Drink your water
  • Exercise
  • Eat "real" food
  • Use moderation
  • Read motivational weight loss stories
  • Shop smart
  • Choose the restaurant that best works for you
  • Make changes you and can live with
  • Hang around with Skinny people
  • Smile
  • Get rid of the fat clothes already
  • Stop saying, start doing
  • Cook
  • Try new foods often

And most importantly say hi to Rich occasionally.

This concludes Rich's writing of the Hey Skinny blog.

You can follow his antics at the Fun Motivational Speaker Blog

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Last Chance to get in on The Gift of Weight Loss

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A free gift

So what do you do when you unpack your Peapod order and there is a free box of Wasa crackers.

  1. Throw them out?
  2. Gag?
  3. Make Wasa Brei

I should have chosen #1. I chose number 3 and then I number 2'd. Thank god I didn't pay for them. But I do get an A for trying something new.

What's Wasa Brei? Look up Matzo Brei and replace the matzo with the Wasa. Except in this case, DO NOT!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Speaking of Obesity.............

I was invited to a South African dinner party the other night. Pumpkin fritters were served as hors d'oeuvres . They were quite good; they were also quite greasy. Yes, one woman started wiping grease on her legs and shared that she was moisturizing.

Well we got into this discussion about that awful show The Biggest Loser; and how motivational it is.

Motivational!!! Are you people nuts? These people are losing record amounts of weight - rapidly. Some people would even say it is neither safe nor healthy.

Motivational? Their job is to lose weight. Anyone reading this post could lose weight in record numbers if you had no responsibilities, like work or family, and could just focus your day on weight loss.

Now don't get me wrong, I do believe that to spend 24 hours per day on your weight loss takes commitment, dedication and courage; and I applaud those contestants for that, but I would hardly call this reality. It seems to me that we shifted an addiction from eating to starving or exercise?

I'm sticking to my guns here. I have been speaking and working with obese folks since 1993, and here is what I know, the most successful do not go from one extreme to another. The most successful make changes that are real and they can live with. The most successful surround themselves with people who understand that rapid weight loss is dumb, stupid and unsafe. Wanna meet some of those people? Don’t forget; three days until The Gift of Weight Loss Begins!

I'll tell you what is motivational. When you see someone who you know is working on their waistline, eat 1/2 of a pumpkin fritter and ask someone if they would like to share an Amarula ice cream coffee drink with shaved chocolate; while spending several hours overlooking the Boston Skyline laughing. That's motivational.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I want a snack!

Go ahead snack!

  • Eat those empty 100 calorie packs of things; several at a time.
  • Eat those foods that have "added fiber" to make you feel like you're making a better choice.
  • Snack on those veggies with an open jar of dressing sitting right next to you (yes, I've seen people do this; they probably had 40,000 calories of dressing by the time they finished the cucumber slices.)

Go ahead snack!

Or try this....................

Open three cans of beans (black, red, garbanzo); drain them and store them in the fridge. Then when that urge occurs to snack, grab some with your favorite seasoning, some low-cal Italian dressing or saute them quickly in a tsp or two of olive oil.

Much better for you. Much healthier for you.

Now you can go feel good about yourself?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Try It! You'll Like It!

Yes, it's another Try It You'll Like It post.

Breakfast this morning was a Brown Rice Scramble.
  • A couple of eggs,
  • 1/2 Cup of Brown Rice,
  • Some chopped up peppers and onions
  • and a bit of salt and pepper.

It's a scramble. Do you need further directions? Please tell me no.

Delicious. I even think Tricia the Nutritionist would like this one.

Who is Tricia?

She'll be my first guest/expert to appear in The Gift Of Weigh Loss teleseminar series beginning on September 18th. It's not too late for you and two friends to give yourself a gift. Check it out at:

Oh and yes, the rice was cooked already.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Here's a little bit of a challenge

Okay, here's a challenge for you...................

As we head into the fall a lot of you reading this will be packing away the spring and summer clothes. In some cases it is your hope/desire/dream to not be wearing these garments next year; that this is going to be the year you lose the weight once and for all.

Here's a thought - throw them out right now. Or give them to a worthy charitable organization. Your dream will come true! You won't be wearing them next year.

Now go do what you have to do to be certain that the replacements are the right styles and sizes.

Monday, September 08, 2008

The comforts of being Skinny

There are so many comforts of being Skinny - or knowing that you're working towards being Skinny. Clothes fit better. Clothing options are greater. You feel a bit more comfortable looking in the mirror, having conversations with people, and walking down the street not feeling all self-conscious about what you look like. It's a good feeling knowing that running in to old friends and colleagues is not going to be an awful, painful experience. It's nice when someone in the seat next to you on the plane is hanging over into your seat and you are not angry but proud that you can share your space with that person because you no longer need it. Maybe you can even move over a bit to offer them some more room rather than pushing back with that "get out of my space" attitude.

How about you? Have you noticed the comforts of being Skinny? Because remember, the comforts of being Skinny are in our mind, in our emotions and in our physical presence. If you're not seeing all three, you're missing out on one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

If you're not experiencing this gift, don't you think it is time?

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Are they looking at your size?

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation regarding whether or not people take notice of your size when they meet you. Are they thinking how fat you got, that you put on a few, that you look like an anorexic, that you've let yourself go to the crapper?

It was an interesting conversation which I ended with two questions, the two questions that I will leave you with today.........................

  1. If the people you spend your life with are worried about taking notice of your size, why are they in your life?
  2. Is it your own unhappiness with how you look and you're trying to transfer the blame?


Only 12 days until the Gift Of Weight Loss Begins! Register you and two friends today. Get Skinny together for the holidays

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Try It! You'll Like It!

What do you do when you have Diet Ginger Ale, about 1/2 cup of Raspberry Sorbet and a can of pears in its own juice?

You stick it in the Magic Bullet or blender, silly! It makes a great frozen treat, gets you a few fruit selections and takes the edge off the fact that your neighbors are all standing around drinking fruity hi-calorie alcoholic drinks!

Try it. You'll Like It!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

You Deserve The Gift of Weight Loss!

Okay, you still miss me. I am flattered. I keep getting emails from people asking if I am coming back to WW (that answer is no) or telling me you cannot find a leader you connect with. You like the blog, but I am thinking you want more. So...........................

Let's do something new and different

Let's take or add a different approach to your weight loss efforts; an approach where you don't have to leave the comfort of your home or office. Are you ready for The Gift of Weight Loss?

The Gift of Weight Loss
The motivation and straight-talk you need right from the privacy of your own home – for you and a couple of your friends!

This 30 minutes per month just might change your waist size,your attitude and the looks you get when you go visiting this holiday season! Join Rich DiGirolamo for a 30-minute teleseminar that will motivate you to achieve all your weight loss dreams for the 2008 Holiday Season. You’ll get ideas, pointers and advice. There will be a guest speaker segment each month; I'll have an emotional eating expert, a nutritionist, a behavior specialist.

The price: $149.95 allows you to bring along two of your friends.

There will be 4 thirty minute teleseminars; one per month; all begin at 7:30PM EST

  • September 18th;
  • October 16th
  • November 13th
  • December 11th

All Teleseminars will be recorded, so if you cannot make the call, an MP3 file will be made available for your listening pleasure. And if you are on the call, you will get to listen to it over and over.

Each session will build on the success of the previous - with a graduation of sorts at the end. Sign up for all four sessions and get three copies of Rich’s Self-Help Book and One Set of Rich’s Weight Loss Audio Program; a $100 value.

Register for THE GIFT OF WEIGHT LOSS today

Still not convinced. Let's do the math.

  • Four Teleseminars for you and two friends. So right there, if you split the cost, it is just under $50 per person or $12.50 per teleseminar; and that will also get you an MP3 that you can listen to again and again.
  • But then you add in the copies of Rich's Self-Help Book and his Yes You're Fat I Like You Anyway audio program (about a $100 value) and now the sessions are costing you $12.50 per session or just over $4 per person.
  • Now let's talk about what your time is worth. You can do this all in the privacy of your own home or listen later in your car. I can't put a value on your time; but maybe it is time for you to start putting more value on you, your time, your money and your self-worth.

Now is your time to Register for THE GIFT OF WEIGHT LOSS today

Note: No food will be served at the Teleseminars.