Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Candy: 50% off

Yes, tomorrow the candy goes on sale – and upwards of 50% off. Maybe even more for all I know.

Please remember that “33% more free” has resulted in 33% more of you.

Buy one, get one free has left you with two chins.

And 50% off should be what you say you accomplished where your butt is concerned.

I know the temptation is there. But go look in the mirror. Do you like what you see?

If you do, let’s keep it that way. If you don’t, go eat an apple.

Monday, October 30, 2006

All This From That

Two apples

Bag of carrots

Can of asparagus

Dog food

One can of tuna


Shredded cheese

Whole wheat tortilla

Lots of spices

What do these things have in common?

Nothing, other than that was all the food I had available to me yesterday at my vacation home. I was too lazy to go out to the store; one of those days when I just wanted to hang out in my PJ’s, and not shower.

Well would you believe I had three meals yesterday from just that amount of food? I did.

Try it. Pull out just a few healthy ingredients and see what you can come up with.

Dog food is optional.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Move Your Butt, Don't Girdle It

Okay, once again this morning I was reminded why television has no benefit.

I woke up this morning on Cape Cod to wind and rain like I have not heard in a long time. I decided I would turn on the news to see what this weather was all about and if I should evacuate town!

Well there it was; a story about how girdles are back in style; and how you can have a nice looking butt by wearing a girdle. And even the anorexic Hollywood folks are wearing them – because let’s face it, being a size two sucks if your co-star is a size zero.

I wanted to call the news station and have everyone shot. Let’s hide our fat ass by wearing a girdle! Are they serious?

How about losing that fat ass by taking a walk or riding a bike or eating less!! Girdles! Please tell me people are not this stupid.

Please stop watching TV. Go read your diet materials, read a cook book, listen to a motivational tape, or have an intelligent conversation with a friend. You don’t need a girdle to mask your size. You need to continue working on reducing it.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Gift of Motivation

So how about a holiday gift that keeps on giving? How about a gift of motivation?

Looking for that perfect gift for that fun, irreverent weight conscious person in your life. Well don’t forget Yes, You’re Fat! I Like You Anyway, the audio series. 7 CD’s full of weight loss ideas, suggestions, in-your-face thoughts and a whole lot more.

Here’s what people are saying:

I have just finished listening to Rich's Audio Program for the third time, and have purchased a copy for my best friend. It is a wonderful collection of thoughts, ideas, and suggestions from Rich's many years of weight maintenance and work in the weight loss industry. He gets me to think and be painfully honest with myself. From listening to the CD for the second time around, he actually got me to listen and transform some of the ideas into action. He encourages us to do what works and to 'Trust the System'. For the first time in over 15 years, I am looking at myself and my behavior with truth and honesty. I now know that I won't ever give up on myself. - Daryl M

And here is what Kris S had to say: Your CD’s are worth every penny. Randomly popped #7 in on the way to work today. Just what I needed to hear (talks about perfection and how it's not possible). It's kinda nice having you on the road. Just want to let you know I appreciate all your hard work - it was worth it.

So who is the fat person in your life that needs to hear this? Listen to a few clips on the right and take advantage of the $10 savings today.

Candy-less for just a few more days

Pat yourself on the back. You haven’t bought the Halloween candy yet. You were smart this year. You realized that buying it would be too much of a temptation. You realized that even you could learn to like a candy you “did not like” – when a moment was bad. Congratulations. You’ve done it.

Or should I say you’re doing it.

There are just a few days left. I know you are thinking just get it out of the way this weekend. Be strong. Don’t risk temptation. Buy it Monday. Or Tuesday.

Or better yet give away some non-food item this year like stickers, or toys or gift certificates.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

5 Minutes or Hell

I’ve got a day from hell ahead of me today. Pet obligations. Family obligations. A visit to tend to a sick relative. It will be one of those days where it will be so easy to make excuses to eat poorly; to grab the first junk food I come across.

Or I can finish this post, go into my kitchen and pack up some healthy food to take along with me today. It’ll take 5 minutes to do that; 5 minutes to make this day a healthy one. Much better than the hours I’ll spend beating myself up and feeling horrible from eating crap. Don’t you agree?

What’s your day looking like? And how can you make it a healthy, nutritious one?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

But I'm eating healthy

But I eat diet bread and I use skim milk and I eat low calorie frozen dinners.

And you’re fat because????………

  1. You’re a liar?
  2. Just because it is diet crap doesn’t mean you can eat it to excess
  3. You haven’t gotten off your butt and moved in how long?
  4. Add your own here!______________

Saturday, October 21, 2006

A Very Important Reason To Lose Weight!

Hey, it’s Saturday. The weekend is here. Time to have fun. Time to get into some trouble perhaps?

Well if trouble is your middle name, you definitely need to continue to watch what you’re eating. Why?

You just might need to copy this idea:


Remember to have some fun today!


Friday, October 20, 2006

Does Your Figure Look Like A Pumpkin?

Halloween is coming. There are pumpkins everywhere. I’m even seeing some people who look like pumpkins. Perhaps it has to do with how they consume pumpkin?

Well Pumpkins are not just for pie any more.

Mix equal parts cool/cold pumpkin with vanilla yogurt.

Try some with vanilla extract, cinnamon, ginger or any of your other favorite seasonings. Get creative. Eat this hot or cold.

Try some with some sugar free fat free vanilla pudding.

My favorite. Cook it up and melt Marshmallow Peeps into it while still hot.

Well these are just a few ideas besides bread, pie and cookies.

Try them in a new, low-fat way. Come up with some of your own. If you’re lazy, buy the canned stuff.

Maybe you won’t look like a pumpkin when you’re through!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

If Only I Had Stayed On My Diet

If only I had stayed on my diet…………………………………………

I would be at goal.

My health would be better

I wouldn’t be so tired.

I wouldn’t be so fat.

I wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable.

I wouldn’t have to lose more weight this time than the last time.

I would like myself.

I would feel better about myself.

If only I had stayed on my diet.

Have you ever thought this? Said this?

Napoleon said “Victory goes to the perseverant.” I agree. So next time you’re struggling, frustrated or ready to give up, think of Napoleon.

Nah better yet…………………….

Rich says, "Victoria's Secret goes to the perseverant"

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Throw Out the Fat Clothes

Okay, fall is here. You’re pulling the fall clothes out of the attic, the basement, or moving them up from the back of the closet.

Oh my god, they’re too big. Yes, your weight loss efforts have paid off. You’re thrilled. Here, you thought you were not seeing any progress and then all of a sudden there’s a surprise.

So now what?


Give them away. Sell them. Burn them. Give them to a fat friend, sister-in-law, or colleague (this can be most fun; but please gloat in private).

If you keep your fat clothes you WILL need them again – it is that simple. And if you keep them you’re a moron!

(Familiar rant to those of you who bought the Yes, You’re Fat audio program?)

Make sense?

Take this opportunity and go buy something you’ve been eyeing for a long time. You deserve it. Frumpy and Dumpy no more!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

What is fat?

I had a good laugh today. I was talking to a woman who was telling me how fat she was. So I asked her how much she weighed. She was a little shocked that I asked her, although I suspected what her weight was. Let’s face it, all these years later I am good at estimating and could probably become one of those weight guessers at the fair.

So she told me she weighed 153 lbs. She is 5’7” tall. Not a bad weight at all I thought. But who am I to say what is fat. Realistically, she is at a safe and healthy weight for her age and height. To hear how crazed she is about her weight is enough to make you want to push her head through a wall; considering all of the really big people out there.

But she thinks she is fat. And who am I to argue with her. Body image is such a personal thing whether you’re a few pounds overweight or a truckload.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Secretary of Interior says get off your ass!

Yesterday I was sitting and listening to the Secretary of Interior, Dirk Kempthorne, address the NRPA. He gave a powerful message – get off your ass, move a bit, enjoy the outdoors, get fit, get healthy and tackle obesity.

Well he didn’t say it exactly that way. But that was my takeaway from his points. But here is what he did say………………..

Put down the Blackberry and go pick some blackberries

Get off of cyberspace and go out into open space.

Put down the iPod and go watch a pod of whales.

And I could not agree with him more!

Don’t you think it is time you got outside a bit more to see what the world has to offer? To get moving. To get fit. To get healthy. Instead of worrying where you’re going to meet that friend for lunch this weekend, why don’t you suggest a hike in the woods, a bike ride through town, or a walk in a park.

I promise when you get back obesity will still be an epidemic, but maybe you’ll be on your way to help change the statistics.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Today is National Coming Out Day

Today is National Coming Out Day. Now with no disrespect to the gay and lesbian community I have a challenge for you – the dieter – the person who cares about their health.

Do you need to come out the closet once and for all where your closet eating is concerned?

Are you hiding food? Sneaking food? Not being truthful when it comes to your dieting; your fitness; your health?

Come Out! Come Out! From what I’ve been told, it is liberating.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My Gift to NRPA!

Welcome NRPA friends!!!!

I promised I would give you something for free. Because if I am going to suggest you add the word free to your workplace vocabulary you should only expect that I do the same.

So all you have to do is email me requesting what I offered to give to you for free and I’ll get it right to you! It’s that simple. Be specific. Don’t just say send me the free thing. I need to know you were paying attention.

Email rich@donewhining.com

Now go find your Roll Model.

Make sure you check out the Getting Skinny department at www.shop.nevergrowup.com

Rich DiGirolamo

The Big Kid

Park the Donuts! Recreate Yourself!

I’m sitting in here in Seattle getting ready to go present at a national convention for Park and Recreation Professionals. I spent the day yesterday with a dear friend; walking and walking and walking. I cannot believe the number of coffee opportunities around here. You would think everyone should be walking around shaking or with the appearance that they are on speed. But they’re not.

But it did get me thinking……………………………….

Can you tell me where the nearest three Starbucks, Tully’s, Seattle’s Best, Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme locations are in relation to where you live? Do you give directions using restaurants and eateries as landmarks or do you use landmarks such as gas stations, florists, or perhaps that stunning Old Victorian Home?

Can you tell me the names of three parks in your town? When was the last time you visited the donut shop? The park?

Do you get my point? Might this have something to do with your size?

Park the Donuts. Go get some recreation!

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Devil Wears Prada

Was watching a cute movie yesterday – The Devil Wears Prada. It’s about the fashion industry. There was one scene that I found funny, yet so true. One character was starving herself; in order to be a perfect size 4 for a trip to Paris. So she makes a comment about not eating anything until she is about to pass out, then she eats a cube of cheese.

I found that line absolutely hysterical – only because of the ridiculous, moronic lengths and stupid things that I know “real” people do in order to lose weight for a last minute event of some kind or another. Yes, we’ve all done it. Pills. Potions. Starvation. Non-stop exercise.

Done it; not doing it. Right?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

It's Comfort Food Time!

It’s getting a little nippy around these parts these days; we’re entering comfort food season. My former favorite comfort food – cheesecake – the whole cheesecake!!!!

I still love comfort food. Nothing like good ole comfort food on a crisp fall or dreary winter day! Sitting and watching the leaves fall, the snow fall, or the lake freeze over is the perfect reason to go bake cookies, or apple crisp, or eat anything chocolate!

But comfort food has changed. For instance…………………….

You’ll need a slow cooker for this one:

Toss 1 lb lean ground beef, 2/3 cup uncooked barley, can of italian style chopped tomatoes, 10 oz package frozen mixed veggies, 2 cups beef broth and lots of oregano in a slow cooker!

Bon Appetit!

Much healthier than cheesecake – don’t you agree.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Fat Kid at the Bus Stop

There’s a fat kid at the bus stop. I see him in the morning when I walk the dogs. He is usually standing alone; not talking with the other kids. He seems somewhat relieved when he sees me; he knows I will stop to let him pet the puppies. I do my best to get out at the same time every morning. The other kids ignore the fat kid. Gee, I wonder why.

I know what it is like to be the fat kid; to be ignored; or to not put yourself out there. It sucks. It hurts. I know what is like to be different; to have people poke fun at you; it sucks. Sometimes I still feel like the fat kid. How about you?

I really can’t wait until those other kids get fat and learn what it is like to be different.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Do you have two friends?

Have you told two friends to visit this blog regularly? And have they told two friends. And so on. And so on. And so on.

Why not. It's the least you could do.

Hurry! The Store is Running Out of Halloween Candy

Halloween is 25 days away. It is not tomorrow. It is not next week; nor the week after. You really do not need to buy the candy yet. If you do, you’re a moron and are only looking for trouble.

As a matter of fact, you really do not have to buy candy at all. You could give away toys, pencils, stickers, gift certificates, or a slew of other things. You could visit the Oriental Trading website for great ideas for inexpensive Halloween fun. I’m sure you can even visit the evil one – WalMart – and find some great non-food ideas. Or you could do what I have done in the past – put a note on your door that informs the little goblins that your next door neighbor is passing out your candy.

But if you do buy the candy, try picking it up the day before, the day of. Why not keep your environment as safe and supportive of your efforts for as long as you possibly can. That’s what I think you should do. You do not have to be noble and prove to yourself that you can have the crap in the house. Why don’t you prove to yourself that you don’t need it in the house this early – a decision that I believe is much harder.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's Prince Spaghetti Day!

Are you old enough to remember that one?

Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti Day – well at least in the north end of Boston. Now I did not grow up in Boston, but I do remember my mom preparing 2 lbs. of pasta for four people – it is a wonder that I only had packed on an additional 32 lbs by the time I decided to take control of my weight, my health, my life.

But pasta is one of those things that some of us can just sit around and eat and eat and eat.

Here is my simple solution to not eating too much pasta – or too much of any of your favorite dishes – PREPARE LESS!!!!

And screw the leftover argument. The only place it is leftover is on your stomach.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday is Fun With Food day

Okay, I am officially declaring Tuesdays as Fun with Food Day. Each Tuesday I’ll post a fun food challenge – well each Tuesday until I get bored. And you should use the comment section to tell others how you handled the challenge. Are you ready? Here we go……………………………..

Before you leave for work today place one of your new/favorite/lesser used whole grain foods on the counter; I’m putting Barley on mine. Your mission should you choose to accept it (go look in the mirror; that should tell you whether to accept it) is to plan a meal where that food is the main ingredient.

Are you up for the task? Again, go look in the mirror – rear view!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

But you've got time to wait for an apple crisp

Yesterday I took my nieces to the Southington Apple Harvest Festival. It’s a typical street festival. Food you really don’t need. Crafts and other wares for sale that you really don’t need. There was music. People were dancing in the streets. As far as I am concerned we need more of that. There were rides for the kids. The weather was perfect; not too hot nor too cool.

Walking around we came across a line of people that stretched about 200 deep. I inquired what people could possibly be lining up for. There was no famous celebrity nearby. The music was in another direction. What could it be?

“Apple crisp” said someone.

“You’re waiting in this long line for apple crisp?” I questioned.

“Yep. It’s the best” she answered back. I continued walking.

I find it amazing. People tell me how they have no time to plan their meals, or shop, or get to the gym, or cook a meal, but they have an hour to wait for an apple crisp. And you should have seen the butts on some of these people!

Well I guess you have to get your five fruit and vegetable servings in somehow!