Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hurry! The Store is Running Out of Halloween Candy

Halloween is 25 days away. It is not tomorrow. It is not next week; nor the week after. You really do not need to buy the candy yet. If you do, you’re a moron and are only looking for trouble.

As a matter of fact, you really do not have to buy candy at all. You could give away toys, pencils, stickers, gift certificates, or a slew of other things. You could visit the Oriental Trading website for great ideas for inexpensive Halloween fun. I’m sure you can even visit the evil one – WalMart – and find some great non-food ideas. Or you could do what I have done in the past – put a note on your door that informs the little goblins that your next door neighbor is passing out your candy.

But if you do buy the candy, try picking it up the day before, the day of. Why not keep your environment as safe and supportive of your efforts for as long as you possibly can. That’s what I think you should do. You do not have to be noble and prove to yourself that you can have the crap in the house. Why don’t you prove to yourself that you don’t need it in the house this early – a decision that I believe is much harder.


At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Costco has mini containers of play-doh. 80 containers in a package for $9.95. I have also seen packages of 20 at Ocean State Job Lot, but more expensive.


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