Saturday, June 30, 2007

1/2 Price To A Fat Ass

When she was losing her weight she ate fruits and veggies to get through those hunger periods between meals. Her empty calorie snacks were limited to a low calorie snack late in the evening.

Then she got a job for a food company that offered a 50% discount on products. The food company produces a whole line of diet products - many that are sugar and salt laden. She took advantage of the 50% discount.

Coincidentally her weight began to increase a bit. She couldn't understand what was going on. Nothing has changed she told me.

Then I asked her how many empty calorie snacks were included in her diet before her 50% discount days.

"None" was the answer.


So let me ask you.............have you ever sat puzzled wondering why your weight is increasing or remaining the same and not knowing why?

Do you really not know why?

Monday, June 25, 2007


So which is worse...................

Sweating becausee you're fat or sweating as a result of enjoying a fun exercise or activity?

Is today the day you should start working towards Fun Sweat not Fat Sweat?

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Portion Control: The other side

Dieters are always saying they need to practice portion control. So what do they do? They buy fat free this, sugar free that, high carb this, low fat that.

And why are they doing this?

The answer is easy. All those things lower the calories in what you're eating.

And why do we want to lower the calories?

The answer is easy. To lose weight faster.

Except for one thing........................

How many people are trying to reduce the calories of this that and the other food in order to pile more food on the plate?

And it does really get you wondering if we're really learning about portion control.

Just my thought today. What do you think?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Surprise someone today!

Yesterday I receeived an unexpected note in the mail - thanking me for the encouragement and support along the way to a happy goal weight. It came out of nowhere. It was unexpected. And it was from someone who moved away a while back. Thanks Marcia G.! You made my day (especially when you reminded me how I talked about you in my Audio Program. I forgot about including you - and it seems you were surprised when you bought the program, listened to it and heard me talking about you.)

So let me ask you, the visitor to this blog today..............Who has helped you? Who has encouraged you? Take five minutes out today and thank them (and I don't want it to be me; I know others have been there for you!) Call. Email. Write. Send a singing telegram. Get some goofy office worker to bring that person a diet soda with a note of thanks. Have some fun with it.

Surprise someone today. You and that person will feel like a million bucks.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Food Fun!

How about a little food fun today? Or tomorrow? Or the next day?

Here's what you do.............................

Invite 6 - 8 friends over for a dinner party. Ask each person to bring one food item; one food item that they would consider healthy.

When they arrive plan a meal using only those items. If all you have is ccelery, find new friends - and quickly.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Are we having fun yet?

Here's your fun tip for the day.

Stand naked in front of the mirror.

Try not to laugh.

Monday, June 18, 2007

More Diet Fun!

I promised you more Diet Fun this week.

So how about this.............

Ever feel like a doormat? Ever feel like people are just walking all over you? Have a little fun with this one..................

Have a personalized doormat made. Perhaps it could say Beware of Dieter - she might eat you. Or Cranky Dieter Lives Here - leave celery.


Next time you're in the ggrocery store, have conversations with people about their poor food choices. Pick people larger than you just in case you have to run for your life.

More tomorrow.

But in the meantime, do you have your copy of Lighten Up: 101 Weighs To Laugh Away The Pounds. You should

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thursday is Recess At Work Day

Thursday is Recess At Work Day. It occurs every year on the third Thursday in June. Check it out at

And while Recess At Work Day finds its roots in the issue of employee morale, it has benefits to those losing weight as well.

Recess is about taking a break from the norm to increase satisfaction, learning and productivity levels. Oh, and of course to have fun. So what does that mean to you?

Well some would say dieting is not fun. I disagree. So this week I will be providing you with ways to keep your diet experience a fun one. Make sure you visit this blog every day.

In the meantime, go cut out a picture of that celebrity you admire so much because of his/her figure. Cut off the head and put yours on it! Then take that picture out for a walk!

After all, you could probably use it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday is the new day to start a diet!

I'm starting a new trend. Seems that everyone starts a diet on Monday. Now if you look at the success rate of people who start dieting, it is low, very low. Why is that? Could it be that Monday is just not the right day to start a diet?

Let's look at this............ On Sunday, you're eating burgers and dogs and beer and cake and pies and chocolate and ice cream. Then on Monday you start your diet. Grass. Sticks. Rice Cakes. Water. Exercise. Salad. Except by 3:00 you cave in. It's too radical a change for you after that Sunday fiasco. At 3:00 you start looking for sweets! You're dieting is a done deal by 3:02

So here is my thought. Let Monday be the day you bridge the two extreme days with something that makes sense. Then start your real diet on Tuesday.

And don't forget to pass the word along................................ Rich declares that Tuesday is the new day to start your diet!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Instead of; Not In Addition To

Just returned from a few days locked in a conference room brainstorming with some colleagues. We do this quarterly. There are always way too many snacks in the room.

Last time we were together one of my colleagues was eating Weight Watchers one-point bars. This time she was eating Nutri-System and South Beach snacks. She is always trying to lose weight – unsuccessfully.

Now if you can’t tell your friends the truth, who can you tell?

So I commented on her new choices and questioned the purpose of eating them (and paying the high prices) if she was going to be sitting in the room eating peanuts and M&M’s and chocolate and crackers.

To which another colleague added (without missing a beat), “You're supposed to eat them instead of, not in addition to.” The timing was so perfect, that the three of us could not stop laughing.

So here is my question for you…………..What items/products are you buying to convince yourself you’re on a diet?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Dancing The Night, Uh, I Mean Weight Away

I've always believed that dancing is a great way to have fun and stay fit. Over the years I've heard many people talk about how they love to dance and how dancing is part of their fitness, weight loss and health program. How about you? You like to dance?

I've also had people tell me that they never get the opportunity to dance. Hello!!!! Do you own music? Do you have a mechanism to play it?

This past Saturday night I was dethroned as President of the National Speakers Association - New England. My term was over. We had a great event including three hours of dancing - three hours of non-stop dancing for me.

It was great. It was fun. And I have to say it felt good.

Then I left for Chicago. When I arrived Sunday there was a wedding reception going on at the hotel. Some strange woman asked me to come in and dance with her.

I'm not a guest I replied. She informed me she had no date. I crashed the party for one dance.

This morning I danced around my hotel room for about 20 minutes; but I had a little inspiration.......................

Check it out and go dance your ass off today. Or your butt. Or your boobs. Or your belly. And who says white boys can't dance.

hmmm...........I really do hope there are no hidden cameras in this hotel room.

Monday, June 04, 2007

A 19,000 calorie weekend

How was your weekend? Did you indulge a bit? A bit too much? Are you feeling a little guilty? Are you thanking the stars that it is Monday and you get to start your diet again?

Well there is one person who consumed about 19,000 calories this weekend. Actually it wasn't over the weekend, it was in a little over 12 minutes.

Not a clue what I am talking about?

He won a hot dog eating contest. He ate 591/2 hot dogs in twelve minutes.

And you thought you had a binge!

I wonder how he is feeling this morning? Will he be running to the gym? Starving himself? eating antacids?