Friday, August 03, 2007

Meet me at the 100 year old line

I just returned from a morning bike ride. I left very early – wanting to beat the heat.

As I was riding I starting gaining ground on two bicyclists in font of me. I was catching up to them very fast. I started to ask myself if they were even pedaling; and if they were not, how the hell were they staying upright???

I got closer.


I reached him first. He must have been 90 years old.

I passed him and reached her. She must have been 100 years old.

Okay, maybe they were not 90 and 100; maybe they just didn’t age very well. No, they were old. Really old. And at 8:30 in the morning on a hot humid day they were out cycling. Maybe that’s also why they’re so old and still alive.

And maybe the lazy, excuse-ridden people who read this blog need to think about this.

When I got up this morning I thought for a moment it would be too hot to ride. I’m glad I went out. I want to live to 100. Wanna join me?


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