Hey Skinny
As a Motivational Speaker on the subject of Obesity, I write this blog because weight loss, while a serious topic, should not be all doom and gloom. Motivating you to think in a new way and to challenge your old dieting mentality is why I am here. Laughing at the mess we have gotten ourselves into, while working on tackling the obesity epidemic, is my message. Are you ready to laugh?
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
What's in your Fridge?
Help me please!
I am so lonely.
I feel abandoned.
You pushed me so far away from you.
You have forgotten about me.
I am turning pale.
I am looking sickly.
No, I'm not having a meltdown this morning. But I do have a question for you.
What's in your fridge?
No, I am serious. What's in your fridge. What is way in the back? What is at the bottom of the produce bin? What is buried under your frozen treats in the freezer?
What's in your fridge?
Chances are it is something healthy. Chances are it is something that can be added to a boring bland meal. Chances are it is something you bought with intentions of keeping inspired on your weight loss journey.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
That's a cup?
Whole Wheat Pasta with vegetables, in a nice red sauce with plump tomatoes, was one of the choices at dinner last night. When it arrived to the table Sister T. (yes, I really was eating dinner with nuns) made the comment, "That isn't a cup?"
So I thought I would make some comments about portion control today............................
- Your diet books and package labels offer serving sizes as a guide; a suggestion. You are allowed to take more (or less). The key is overall daily portion control and a well balanced diet. But you already knew that, right?
- You can always take things home, leave them on the plate, or toss them in the garbage. But you already knew that, right?
- Pull out your food scale and measuring cups every so often and do a reasonableness or reality check. Perhaps you'll find a clue to happiness. But you already knew that, right?
- Portion sizes tend to increase over time which is why you also need to pull out those measuring tools every so often. But you're already doing that, right?
- Buying Warehouse Club sizes of food is not always a savings. But you are or once were a walking poster child of those “savings”, right?
- Eating off a salad plate is for wusses! You like food. That is how you got fat. If you wanted to eat off a salad plate you wouldn’t be turning to this blog. So fill that big ole 9" plate up with food. Eat off a charger. Out of a trough. Just change what is on the plate. For example, prepare a shrimp or scallop stir-fry and tell the family to get lost; the entire wok-full of food is yours! For some odd reason dieters immediately think they have to slash their portions. I disagree. I think we need to find substitutes that are going to yield large portions and deliver weight loss success. I've got to believe that you would rather eat more and lose weight than eat less and be cranky, whiny, and pissy after a lunch of one cracker, a lettuce leaf, and a scoop of plain tuna.
- Go on a quest to find foods and recipes that provide large portions, but don't provide large numbers of calories, fat grams, points or whatever else you are counting. For example, Jennie-O Turkey Bacon is 20 calories a slice – and it is good! But you're already doing that too, right?
- It’s called a portion, not a ration. Stop playing martyr!
- Split a portion. It’s better than splitting your pants.
Well that’s enough thoughts on portion control. I hope I’ve offered you something to ponder.
Happy Birthday Trish! Today only...................one day sale in honor of my friend Trish's Birthday................. Take Rich With You While On The Go. Today only. You snooze, you pay full price.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Power of 5!
Many years ago I owned this book entitled The Power of 5 (Blooomfield and Cooper) - things you could do in 5 seconds to 5 minutes to propel yourself forward. Well it got me thinking...............
- Can you focus on getting those 5 servings of fruit/veggies today?
- Can you take five minutes before of after every meal to journal what you ate?
- Can you take five minutes today to plan your meals?
- Can you take a five minute power walk or sprint? Can you do that five times today?
- Can you eat 5 small meals today in hopes of testing a new strategy in your quest for health, ideal weight and eating satisfaction?
Well that's 5; after all I did call this The Power of 5.
And if you don't like any of the above replace them with one of your own. But perhaps you can post those ideas here?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Dodging Snowmobiles and Running From Wolves
Well we got our exercise this weekend; we dodged snowmobiles, went swimming in an icy river, and defended ourselves against a wolf………………..And lived to write about it.
Okay, it wasn't that extreme. The snowmobile drivers were polite and willing to share the greenway with us snowshoers. The river was more like a stream and Rich only got slightly wet when he fell through the ice; and the wolf turned out to be a Shepherd-Husky mix, whose owner came along shortly after our little "Cujo" episode.
It was a group of single people and empty nesters. We realized we had lots in common with each other. We spent the weekend laughing with and at each other. We found out who had cooking abilities and who had none. We found out who had all their own teeth and who did not. We found out who the more coordinated were. We had beginners, intermediates, and pros. We helped each other along and stuck with each other when the going got a little tough. We took the path less traveled and wandered and explored the unknown woods with excitement and adventure. We talked about food only when it was time to eat. We weren't thinking about when the next meal was and what it was going to be; but when it was time to eat, we ate well - healthy. We stuck a birthday candle in berries and whipped cream instead of a cake.
And this has to do with what?????
Who we spend time with influences our size, our health, our attitude and our self-worth. Who are you spending time with and what are you spending your time doing? Are you only getting together to eat? Next time you're invited to get together for lunch or dinner or drinks I dare you to invite that person to get together for a run, or a hike, or a weekend away of fun! I dare you. I double dare you.
Leave the food and the butt on a trail somewhere.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Reporting Live From Snowshoe Retreat
Well here I am at the first Retreat From Your Weight Loss weekend in snowy New Hampshire; an opportunity to put the focus on where weight loss should be - on having new experiences that are not food focused.
We're a small intimate group of six. We walked in the snow yesterday afternoon for an hour. Today we will be snowshoeing in the morning and again in the afternoon right out the front door of our home for the weekend.
We're having fun. We're exercising. Two people showed up for a weekend of snowshoeing having never tried it before.
Oh and we're eating right. Last night we had a cashew stir fry over Pearl Barley. Yesterday afternoon spaghetti squash with cannellini beans, parmesan cheese and some chopped up Canadian Bacon.
But my thought for you to ponder this weekend is this...................Would you consider having a new experience this weekend; wherever you are? Go have yourself a little adventure.
Or perhaps try one of the two recipes I just offered you.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Change Change Change
Seems to be a buzzword in politics these days.
I was listening to the news on the way home last night and there was a very funny piece on how many times Obama said the word change in his speech. However, he did not tell us what he was going to change or how he was going to change things. But he is certain that change is coming and is needed.
Now for the slower ones reading this, this piece is not an attack on Obama, just a comment on a radio news piece. But it did get me thinking............................
It's like when dieters say they need to be more determined. Determined about what? Or when they say they need to be focused? Focused on doing what? Or when they need to be more committed. Committed to what?
How about offering some specifics!
How about this for a start……………… I am committed and determined to finding two new activities that I enjoy. To do this I will participate in one new activity every two weeks. I will start by turning to my local park and recreation department or checking out Rich’s Meetup on Wednesday evening.
So for all you dieters out there, you have two choices – to get your act together and get Skinny or to pursue a career in politics; after all, you're great at making vague promises and commitments to yourselves.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It's happening...............
Yes, it is starting to happen…………………
There are empty spots in the parking lot at the gym!
Diet center attendance is starting to dip!
More Donuts are being sold.
Produce is turning brown
People are losing their motivation.
What about you? Are you on track? Are you still excited about your weight loss? Or have you been hovering in the same place for a while?
This is right about the time when so many lose their momentum; probably because of the extreme approach they took when this journey started in January. So what's a kid to do?
- Buy a new gym outfit!
- Try a new recipe!
- Eat dinner for breakfast; breakfast for dinner
- Buy some new exotic produce
- Give yourself permission to take a day or week off from your "diet"; now this is not permission to be a pig!
- Take a different class
- Walk a different route
- Buy yourself a gift
- Bring an old favorite food back into your life - in a controlled amount
- Tell a friend he or she is fat and needs to join you on the journey
- Hire a coach
- Get an Accountabilibuddy
- Stop obsessing
- Consider losing 1/2 lb. per week week instead of 5; in the long run you'll get ahead.
- Go back and read through the archives of this blog for some ideas you may have brushed off.
If you make this process fun you won't lose your momentum.
But then again, what do I know, it's only been 19 years without that extra 30+ pounds.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Are You a Social-Lite?
It's not just about the diet, Silly! You know what you need to eat. You have plenty of ideas. Now you need to focus on the social aspect of your weight.
There are studies showing that the people you socialize with increase your chances of being overweight or obese.
Not if you're hanging with the right people; which is one of the reasons that I started Retreat From Your Weight Loss and Dine off The Pounds!
But I’ve decided to take it one step further………………………………….
If you want to be skinny, healthy and happy, you need to start hanging around with people who are doing things; not sitting on their butts living vicariously through others.
So it’s time we Meetup – and regularly.
Monday, February 18, 2008
If you must snack think about this approach
Yes, I know.............you're all looking for snacks; you're all looking for quick, easy, convenient things. The problem with quick, easy and convenient is that they usually mean processed crap; with little nutrition.
Well I found a good one. The first ingredient is apples. The second ingredient is pomegranate flavor. The next ingredient is fruit juice, and then vitamin C. That is it! No maltitol. No fructose or any other “ose” disguised as sugar. No sugar. No chemicals.
And as for taste…………….Quite good. I’m actually picking some up for those lucky people joining me on the snowshoe retreat this week!
So they’re not chocolate. They’re a heck of a lot healthier; and as for satiety, the flavor is phenomenal; and research is showing that enhanced flavors, such as pomegranate, increase satiety, increase satisfication and decrease your size.
But who cares about the scientific crap; they taste good and are good for me. Isn’t that what really matters? Eating that which is good for you, not that which tastes gross (celery) is a surefire way to get fat again.
Oh, they’re Archer Farms Pomegranate Fruit Bars (not the roll-ups). I have no affiliation with the company; I found them at Target.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Another Saturday!
Have you registered for the 2nd Dine Off The Pounds? It’s a night of celebration with old and new friends. Click here to register!
Well it's Saturday.................. a day for chores, running the kids around, and hopefully, some fun for you.
It's also a day where people "forget" to eat. They're running around doing this, that, and the other thing, and all of a sudden they realize they are starving and could eat....................
A horse?
A pizza?
The nearest super-sized fast food crap meal you can find?
A king-size candy bar?
The result............... You weigh as much as a horse, you are as round as a pizza, you feel like crap and you're buying king size clothes! Not to mention the guilt, shame and disgust you experience.
There is enough research out there that shows how eating regularly helps with weight loss and weight management. In case you missed that there is enough research out there that shows how eating regularly helps with weight loss and weight management
So here is my thought for you; today, or any day as you run out the door, grab a healthy snack. Doesn’t mean you need to eat it; but isn’t it better to be prepared.
Gee, maybe this is a good way for the bananas not to rot?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
It doesn't matter if he or she loves you today
On this day of love, how about showing some love for you; something so many forget to do almost regularly?
So whether you're single, married, partnered, dating, engaged, unhappily married, happily divorced, tied-down, or knocked up........................ Show yourself some love today. You not only owe it to yourself, you deserve it!
Happy Valentine’s Day My Skinnies!
I'm spending Valentine's Day with mom. Aren't I a good son? (When I get home it will be a Bailey's evening)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Where did all that orange marmalade come from?
Last night I found my way to the back of the refrigerator only to find two unopened jars of orange marmalade.
Did you know that orange marmalade and soy sauce makes a great marinade for grilled salmon?
Did you know that a bit or orange marmalade is a great substitute to the butter that you used to add to mashed butternut squash.
And did you know that steamed green beans with orange marmalade would have been too excessive.
Well here you have it……………. A dinner fit for a king (or queen if you’re a girl); it was mine last night. Total cooking time 20 minutes.
Have you got 20 minutes to prepare a restaurant-like meal?
Do you know any other uses for orange marmalade? (And please no lame ones like spread some on toast)
Register today for Dine off the pounds
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
It's a diner; they have everything.
I'm off to meet a client for breakfast this morning. She suggested we meet outside her office.
Great I thought. And without missing a beat I asked her if there was a diner near her office; to which she responded yes.
You see, something happened in a diner at two o’clock in the morning many, many, many years ago that has helped with my weight management all these years later...................
It's 2:00 AM; Dave and I had just left the club. We stopped for breakfast at some diner in Rockland County, NY. I was reading the menu. Dave was somewhat intoxicated and pissed that the "mint" woman told him to take a hike. Dave grabs the menu from my hands, tosses it and says "It's a diner; they have everything."
And he is right. So when I'm out and about and need a quick bite, a diner is always a great option............... they have everything.................... no need to really even look at the menu…………… easy to stay in control………….. easy to make the right choice………….. easy to feel proud……………………. easy to lose that butt
Monday, February 11, 2008
Ahoy Captain!
It's happened to us all...............a childhood memory that brought back a food memory.
Mine....................Hush Puppies at Long John Silver's.
So knowing that people are probably getting sick of their deprivation diets by now; as is evident by the reduction in diet commercials on television (or my further reduction of time in front of the TV), the fast food companies have moved in. And there it was.......... the Long John Silver's ad. Didn't even think they were around any longer, much less so close to my home.
So I pulled out of Lowe's; turned left (or Bleft according to my Garmin) and there it was in big letters on a marquee outside the store.........
Friday, February 08, 2008
And now a lesson in Assertiveness.................
Please practice the above before delivering it to that special person in your life.
And for those of you who are celebrating Valentine's Day alone, start shopping for something to show yourself how much you love you.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Help the Economy; Kill a Skinny Person Today
Okay, how messed up is this; some crackpot has determined that thin people actually have higher health costs than fat people.
And why?
They live longer.
So here you are eating right and exercising; doing your best to go from obese to overweight to recognizable to rail size; and now someone is suggesting that healthcare is going to cost you more if you get or stay skinny.
Hillary, are you listening. There are a whole bunch of Skinnies who plan on living a long time and they're going to need more money for health care; this universal health care thing better work if you become President.
And in the meantime, go out and sit on a Skinny person today - you're gonna need their money.
Read the article: Stay fat; it is good for the economy or better yet, do your part to get skinny and increase health costs
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Bad, Best or Better
So this morning on the Six Minutes at 6:00 or $6.00 conference call I was talking about being better; not best; because let's face, sometimes you don't want the fruit or vegetables. Sometimes you don't want the bran turds. Sometimes you don't want the whole wheat pasta cooked in chicken broth. Sometimes you don't want fat-free, sugar-free, calorie-free salad dressing. Sometimes you want to be "BAD" and not your best.
So today I'll toss a challenge out to you all............................ When the choice is to be bad or best; how about just making a better choice? Think about my post yesterday and the choices at the Free Continental Breakfast.
- How about 1/2 a donut with a hard boiled egg?
- How about the Fruit Loops instead of the fruit danish?
- How about some brown sugar in that oatmeal instead of the blueberry muffin?
- How about putting that peanut butter on the banana instead of the bagel?
It's really not that hard to be BETTER, when thinking the only choices are to be bad or best? Try it. You'll feel better about yourself.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Free Continental Breakfast
There was free Continental Breakfast at the Best Western this morning.
You would have thought some of these people never ate. I was wondering if chairs were going to collapse. If this room was a representative sample of the US population; obesity has risen to 85% here in the states.
It was very easy to get near the hard boiled eggs. It was very easy to get near the bananas. It was very easy to get near the single serving size of Shredded Wheat. The donut powder all over the counter was gross and thankfully far away.
I just don't get it.................... Your butt can barely fit in a seat; you have healthy options available to you; and you don't take advantage of it.
Aren't you glad that you're in a better place than my breakfast mates this morning?
Sunday, February 03, 2008
It's a Super Day
Remember, I'm cheering you on today......................So don't be a pig at that Super Bowl Party.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Giants, Patriots and Skinnies!
Okay I grew up in NY; live in CT; have a vacation home in MA...........which leads to a very tough decision. Do I cheer on the Giants or the Pats? It's enough to make me want to eat 7-layer Mexican Dip; of course remove the guacamole - it looks like baby poop or boogers.
Yep, tomorrow is the Super Bowl; a day of eating for many. What's on your menu? Pizza? 6-foot sub? Wings? Eat all of that and you'll be visiting a Super Bowl - if you know what I mean.
So how about..........
- A Super Bowl of popcorn; seasoned with hot or sweet spices
- A Super Bowl of soup
- A Super Bowl of fruit
- A Super Bowl of roasted veggies
- A Super Bowl of a seltzer based punch
- A Super Bowl of shrimp cocktail
- A Super Bowl of salsa and veggies
- A Super Bowl of sorbet
- A Super Bowl of fat-free, sugar free pudding
- A Super Bowl of teriyaki chicken pieces
- A Super Bowl of salad
And of course some of the other stuff.
Just a bunch of ideas to keep your Super Bowl in check. Frankly who cares which team wins the Super Bowl; the only winner I care about is you!
Go Pats! Uh, I mean Go Giants! Uh, I mean
I'm cheering you on!
Are you ready to Dine Off The Pounds again? Click here for details and to register
Friday, February 01, 2008
A night with the 20-Something's & Roseanne
So I found myself in the "hood" in Hartford last night. I went to meet a group of 20-Something's to have some fun. I found these people through an online social networking site.
The first email I received from the organizer was this:
Well that was at least an original welcome message, I guess? So with my potty mouth in hand.........................I went salsa dancing! I had a free one hour lesson by an irreverent, oh-so-very-hot looking Latin woman with an attitude (a good one) and a perfect ass. Hey, I'm not a pig; she told us to watch it; so I did.
After the lesson I danced like a fool for another hour; counting my steps 1-2-3, 5-6-7; 1-2-3, 5-6-7 (there really is no 4); while the "Pros" did nothing that looked like what I had just learned. It was fun.
But here is the part of the evening that applies to you...........I met Roseanne; a 50-something year old woman who also came to hang with the 20-somethings. Roseanne came alone; she showed up at a bar knowing no one nor what to expect. We engaged in conversation. Her hairdresser told her about the free lesson. None of her friends wanted to go out for an evening and try something new; so she said screw them and off she went to have a good time. I applauded her; commenting that not many woman would go out late at night, alone, to a strange neighborhood. Her response was that there was safety in numbers and if she felt uncomfortable at any point she would ask one of the bar staff to walk her to her car.
I remember a time in my life when I wasn't doing much unless it involved food. I remember a time in my life when I wasn't living life; but living it through other people. Looking back I remember that lack of experiences and good times led to lack of self-esteem, lack of confidence, larger clothing sizes and three chins. How about you? Are you with me? Do you know what I am talking about?
What's your next experience going to be?
So when I arrived home I got undressed and stood naked in front of the mirror. I think my hips and butt looked smaller.
Are you ready to Dine Off The Pounds again? Click here for details and to register