Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's a diner; they have everything.

I'm off to meet a client for breakfast this morning. She suggested we meet outside her office.

Great I thought. And without missing a beat I asked her if there was a diner near her office; to which she responded yes.

You see, something happened in a diner at two o’clock in the morning many, many, many years ago that has helped with my weight management all these years later...................

It's 2:00 AM; Dave and I had just left the club. We stopped for breakfast at some diner in Rockland County, NY. I was reading the menu. Dave was somewhat intoxicated and pissed that the "mint" woman told him to take a hike. Dave grabs the menu from my hands, tosses it and says "It's a diner; they have everything."

And he is right. So when I'm out and about and need a quick bite, a diner is always a great option............... they have everything.................... no need to really even look at the menu…………… easy to stay in control………….. easy to make the right choice………….. easy to feel proud……………………. easy to lose that butt


At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm always leary of diners - seems like a lot of their food is laden in oil or butter, especially breakfast foods. Any healhy suggestions, other than oatmeal?

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Rich DiGirolamo, RECESSitator said...

How about 2 poached eggs on an English Muffin? They do egg whites. Blintzes are usually small. Fruit?

At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe it or not I've never had a poached egg. Had to go look it up to see exactly what it was. I guess the fact that it's cooked in water makes it healthier.... I'll try that next time. Thanks.


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