New is In and It Will Keep You Thin
A lot of you reading this blog know that a big part of my almost twenty years keeping off the weight had and has to do with keeping it new, keeping it alive and keeping it real.
New experiences, new activities and new food are things I have been encouraging people to do for almost two decades. So with that in mind here are a couple of new ideas for you today..........
From the Food Category:
- On a trip to New Orleans a few years back I was introduced to mashed sweet potatoes with banana. Delicious. Now of course their version had lots of butter and sugar and cinnamon. Mine did not. It had cinnamon. But last night I added some fat-free vanilla half-and-half. A new favorite side dish; or perhaps even a snack; or a dessert; or BREAKFAST!!!!
- Chopped up some leftover chicken the other day; was going to make chicken salad. One slight problem; no mayo. No problem; I'll come up with something. So I added a bit of soy sauce to the chicken and some salt and pepper and then had a great idea..............I spread some blueberry jam on a whole wheat wrap and dumped the chicken on for a new kind of sandwich.
And from the Exercise Department
- Have you been struggling to lose those hips? That butt? Here's a way to laugh your ass off!
And from the New Experience Department
- I'll report back on that one tomorrow; all I can tell you is that it involves a group of twenty-something's that I'm meeting in the "hood" in Hartford tonight.
But let me ask you; what was the last new food, new exercise or new experience to benefit your weight and health?