Friday, January 25, 2008

Do You Feel Like Crap When You Take One?

Yes, I'm talking about defecation this morning. And it seems that there is a yogurt out there that will make your crapping experience a whole lot more pleasant. Yes, the folks at Dannon have come up with Activia; which they say will help you crap easier, better, smarter - okay those are my words, but if you check out their website, I'm pretty damn close. (

And they even have a crap challenge!! You gotta love it - eat our product and you'll crap better and you'll feel better while you crap and about your crap experiences.

I've got a challenge for you too - eat better and maybe your craps won't hurt! Stop eating greasy, fat, disgusting food. Stop eating all of those processed foods and snacks where the first ingredient is corn syrup or something you cannot pronounce. There's a challenge for you. That's my idea for a better crapping experience.

Oh by the way, instead of putting syrup or jam on my low fat waffles this morning, I spread some Activia across the top. Delicious! Hey, the possibility that my crapping experiences could be even better than they already are piqued my curiosity. And being so regular...................


At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a huge Yogurt fan but Activia is really good. Don't forget that fiber rocks...or at least keeps your craps from becoming rocks. My hi fiber picks: Kashi waffles, all flavors, Puffins cereals [cinnamon is my fave], Nature's Promise cereals [Stop & Shop]. And if you really need fiber to help reduce your cholesterol don't laugh at Metamucil cookies. Your craps will be lighter than air :-)

At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never laughed so hard! I could have crapped LOL

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Rich DiGirolamo, RECESSitator said...

And now that the crap consistency is changing, maybe I can go back to harder toilet paper????

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All your crap talk aside, I put blueberry yogurt (not Activa) on my waffles this morning. It was delicious! Never would have come up with that idea on my own. Thx.


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