Sunday, March 30, 2008

I'll get back on my diet Monday

Okay it is Sunday. Perhaps you are thinking you will get back on your diet tomorrow morning. It's been a weekend of a little too much partying; perhaps a little too much leftover Easter crap.

Well here are some tips for getting back on track tomorrow; except you do them today!
  • Throw out the crap already. It just triggers you into mass chaos and hysteria
  • Plan out your meals for the next two or three days
  • Prepare your lunch for tomorrow
  • Put the gym clothes in the car; on the seat next to you instead of the trunk. Yes, I know you only too well; out of sight out of mind. No, in your case "Out of sight equals huge behind!"
  • Place some anchor on your counter to remind you that it is time to get back in control - I usually make one of my cookbooks visible.
  • Put a pitcher of water in the fridge. Drop some slices of cucumber and oranges into the water. Don't go yuk; just try it.
  • Tonight, while you're winding down, cut up those veggies that went bad while you were eating cream eggs, spray them with some olive oil; season them up and roast them. You're set for the week!
  • Send an email out to your entire address book that you are getting back in control tomorrow morning and please ask for their love, support and good wishes. (Hey, I'd rather receive that from you than one of those I-will-die-if-I-don't-forward-this-to-600,000-of-my-closest-friend-chain-letters)
  • Figure out how you're going to ease back into your diet. Going from drinking and candy and high fat meals to salad and bran turds is the reason so many have failed in the first place
  • And finally................embrace tomorrow about the possibilities and results; not an attitude of "oh well, time to get back on the diet!

Now go get Skinny, Healthy and Happy!

And speaking of tips................... Here's 250 Tips for a better life put together by me and a few of my friends

Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's the Weekend..............

You can do all the things you dream about doing all week................

Things like:
  • playing outdoors
  • working in the garden
  • taking a walk
  • taking a bike ride
  • taing a hike
  • exploring a new location
  • watching the sun rise or set at a beach or on top of a mountain
  • counting stars
  • making love all day long

Or you can stay at home and make endless trips to the kitchen looking for "something" to eat.

Have an adventure this weekend; that's why they were given to you.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

You're Not a Screw-Up

My friend is going through a breakup. Well actually they have broken up; now the sorrow is occurring. I might add that from the stories she shared with me, she is a gazillion times better off without this controlling loser.

Well the other day I reminded her that “Today was one more day you were not told you were a screw-up” (screw-up has been replaced for the real phrase; and yes that is what the controlling loser was calling her). We laughed. For the past few days I have been sending her text messages telling her she is not a “screw-up”.

I don’t know about the rest of you but every day I make some better choices; every day I move a bit more; every day I take small steps towards better health is a good day as far as I am concerned. Every day I have an opportunity to make it the best day I possibly can. Some days I screw up and some days I am successful. There is always tomorrow. And with each tomorrow I can build on the successes of the day before.

When I ride my bike I keep my eyes just ahead of me; to make sure I don’t ride over any foreign objects, potholes, small children or worms. I’m not looking ahead into the distance to see how far I need to ride to reach my destination. But with each little bit of road I ride over, I move further away from my starting point and closer to my destination. With each small step you move further away from being fat and unhealthy and closer to being healthy and happy.

You’re not a screw-up when you don’t live up to expectations – be they your own or someone else’s; and as you continue to build upon, take note of, and celebrate all the small successes occurring in your life, you will realize that.

Now go get Skinny!

And the verdict is in......................the table setup at Tuesday Night's Dine Off The Pounds was the key to another successful evening. I'll be working with Juniper's to keep it that way. See you at the next one on April 29th.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I hate my neighbor!

I hate my neighbor Joel!

My office faces his driveway. Almost every morning around 7:00 - 7:30 I see him heading out. He is wearing his gym clothes. He must go to the gym 4 or 5 times per week. Every morning I ask myself if I should go to the gym. I hate Joel. I don't like the gym.

Are you with me? Do you know what I'm talking about? Have you ever wished mean things, even death, on people who are doing what you think you should? Doesn't it bother you when others are being successful and you're not?

Okay, let's get real issue is not about Joel. My issue is not about the gym. My issue is that I have become a bit sedentary the last few weeks. Thank heaven I took that hike with the CT Social Lites this past Saturday. My issue is that I am being forced to look in a mirror (or in this case through a window) and question my actions. Yes, I don't like it.

So I have two options......................Plan Joel's death.....................or get off my butt and move a bit today.

What about you? Is there something you should be doing that you're not?

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Easter Bunny Came!

Well the Easter Bunny showed up yesterday sometime between 2:30 PM and 8:00 PM. Yep, outside my door when I arrived home was this:

As you can see, the Easter Bunny was not thinking about my waistline; although under all the goodies I found gourmet olive oil, cooking sauces, a collector pen and some other stuff.

I LOVE EASTER! I think it is so cool that someone goes through this ritual every year for 4 or 5 of his friends; and refuses to admit that he has anything to do with it. Thanks Charlie!!

So last night I was putting some of the stuff away and making piles of other stuff to give away; because this is a catastrophic event waiting to happen. The Peeps stayed. The Cliff Bars, which I eat when cycling, stayed. The Cooking stuff stayed. The Lindt chocolates and tiramisu are going. The gourmet cookies are going.

Are you with me?

How much crap is in your house as a result of Easter? Actually, how much crap is in your house – period? What are your plans to stay in control? Start thinking about it.

Now, on a humorous note, my nieces bought me the "Big Ears" chocolate bunny because “Uncle Rich has big ears.” My sister thought it was cute. One of my nieces got the “Big Feet” chocolate bunny....................

So I asked my sister if she got “Big Ass” Chocolate Bunny?

She laughed; because if you can’t laugh at yourself………………………..

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Peepster!!!!

Happy Peepster!!
Enjoy the Peeps Show!

And congratulations to Joy, who has now lost 200 pounds! We'll be celebrating with her on Tuesday Night

Friday, March 21, 2008

Imagine having 200 Pounds to lose!

Imagine having over 200 pounds to lose. Imagine the excitement when you decide to finally do something about it. Imagine the health fears and concerns you have been living with for years. Imagine sitting on the sidelines watching things go by; yes your weight has inhibited you from living life.

Imagine losing your first 10 pounds. Is it a feeling of excitement or a sarcastic "big deal?"

Then you hit 25.
You're halfway there and it seems like an eternity.

Then it's 125
And now you don't see a bit of weight loss for at least a year.
You can be frustrated or thrilled that you have maintained a 150 pound weight loss for 1 year. I'll let you decide.

Then it's 160

200 is so close, yet so far away. Five years ago is just a memory - the day you started this journey.

What is possibly going through the mind of this person? I will never know. You will never know. This journey is so personal for each of us. We all act and react differently.

Joy, I will be there tomorrow morning when you get weighed in. But you should know that you're a winner whether it happens tomorrow or next week.

So for those of you reading this, on this Good Friday 2008, please start sending the love (or post a comment for Joy).

And for those of you frustrated over not being able to lose a few pounds..............

Imagine having to lose 200 pounds.

And for those of you attending this month's Dine Off The Pounds you'll get to meet Joy!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

There's always another choice!

A long time ago I learned there is always a better choice; there is always a healthier choice; there is always a smarter and wiser choice.

A long time ago I learned there is usually a substitution that will satisfy any craving.
  • English Muffins replaced bagels
  • Pretzels replaced potato chips
  • Sorbet replaced ice cream
  • 2 small cookies replace a donut
  • A moron of a spouse can be replaced with an affair
  • And as for chocolate...................................

Below is the answer to chocolate bunnies!

How are you doing with finding great substitutions? Share yours by clicking the comments button.

If you're home this Saturday with nothing to do, and you're in CT, click here and come take a hike with the CT Social-Lites.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

If Only I had...........

If only I had eaten the............
If only I had packed my.......
If only I had ordered the.......
If only I had said no to............
If only I had taken the.............
If only I had told my spouse/partner/significant other that.............

Have you had these thoughts? Have you ever wished you had made a different decision?


So forget about it. Move on.

Today is the day you can eat the, pack the, order the, say no to, take the or tell him or her....

Today is the day you can continue to be successful. Yesterday was so..........................well yesterday.

And thanks for the 5 Beers Yesterday!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's Go Green Today!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Looking for a new exercise to burn calories..............Did you knw that banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories a hour?

It's St. Patty's Day...............Buy Rich a Beer!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I've walked 22 miles this week.

I've walked 22 miles this week. Between walking through airports, up and down the Las Vegas Strip, and to and from the Atlantic City Convention Center and my hotel, I've tracked 22 miles.

So this morning I happened upon a scale. I figured I would see how much weight I lost with all that walking.

You with me?

Of course you are; many of you have shared similar experiences where you went away and walked your cute little tail off - or at least you thought you did.

The scale said I lost ZERO! ZILCH! NADA! NOTHING!

Now that sucks, right?

Or could it have to do with the fact that my eating was not as stellar as I may have thought. And maybe I should be thankful that I walked 22 miles or my butt might be an extra 22 miles wide.

Are you still with me?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Free Hot Dogs at the Atlantic City Convention Center

I was strolling through the Exhibit Hall at the American Camp Association conference this afternoon looking for material to use for a Leadership program I am presenting Saturday morning. The room was buzzing with all kinds of fun, camp related games, equipment, services and of course food. Yep, vendors were giving free samples of food in hopes that camp owners and directors will write them a big check to supply their camp with its summer nourishment for kids; perhaps yours!

Free Sabrett Hot Dogs were being offered by one vendor. Free................ if you wanted to wait at least 10 minutes.

I couldn't believe the line. It was stretching quite a distance. For a hot dog? It was going to be at least 15 – 20 minutes for some of these people. For a hot dog? Boiled in water!

Oh wait, I forgot……… was free.

A little while later I rounded a corner and came across the folks from Marcus Dairy. They were giving away free yogurt. There was no line. There was no one at their booth. I stopped to say hi since they were a company from my home state of CT. They begged me to take a yogurt.

I took one. It was lunch time.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Perfect Day

Have you reserved your place for March's March's Dine Off The Pounds? Do it now!

So.....................What does the perfect day on your diet look like?

  • You eat well balanced meals?
  • You stay in control at a "food event"?
  • You drink 6 - 8 glasses of water?
  • You practice portion control?
  • You journal everything you eat?
  • You say "no" and feel empowered to do so?
  • You get off your butt and incorporate some movement into your life?
  • You plan your meals?
  • You stick to that plan?
  • You stop by the grocery store to stock up on healthier choices?
  • You remove or eliminate snacks and/or processed foods from your day?
  • Anything else?

What does you Perfect Day look like? Can you make it happen today? Tomorrow?

And now for stupid celebrity news...................

Lisa Marie is suing the press for calling her FAT. She’s pregnant. I hope she loses this case or I’m in deep……………

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Lose Weight. Become A Slut!

Okay women, you know this and I know this to be true………………..almost every woman has dreamed of wearing a certain garment at some point in their life; a garment that might be provocative, sexy, trendy, skimpy or revealing. Don’t say it is not true.

Well here is further validation…………………………………

Below is a transcript of a conversation in Inclinator #1 at the Luxor:

Drunk Woman #1: I can’t believe she was dressed like that. She looked like a total slut.

Drunk Woman #2: I don’t know what she was thinking wearing that outfit to a family function.

Drunk Man #1: {Expletive} She looks hot now that she’s lost all that weight.

Rich (on his way off the Inclinator): Thanks for the entertainment.

Warning: Your friends will talk about you when you are skinnier and hotter than them.

Action step: Strive to make that warning a reality.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

American Past Time or American Fat Ass Time!

Did you hear the news! It's very exciting.

In order to feed and prolong the obesity crisis in the United States, major league baseball has decided to add a section of seats............ the all-you-can-eat-section.

Yes, now included in your overpriced ticket to help support steroid abuse you will get an added bonus..............all the hot dogs you can eat during the game. Wow, reason to hope for extra innings!!! People won't be leaving during that 7th-inning stretch any longer.

But here is the argument that is going on right now. Should major league baseball be discouraged from doing this or should overweight, obese and health-minded people stop being so stupid.

You know my answer. What's yours?

Spots are going fast for this month's Dine Off The Pounds. Register Today

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Are you sure you don't want one?

Client: "Are you sure you don't want one? One won't kill you?"

Rich: "No, really; just a diet soda."

Client: "Are you sure?"

Rich: "I never drink the night before a program."

Client: "Oh c'mon, one won't kill you."

Rich: "Just a diet. And thanks for wanting to treat me so well."

Now in this particular case it was easy to say no. I was delivering a professional development program to a few hundred people this morning. I never drink the night before such a program. Never. I won't risk getting sick, being hungover or doing something I will regret. When someone has paid me a fee to speak that is my rule.

But it would have been so easy to cave in to pressure had it been tonight; after the gig. But then I thought about the phrase I used...................... "And thanks for wanting to treat me so well."

It ended the desire to liquor me up. And then I thought how powerful that phrase could be when someone is trying to push food on me.

What do you say, should we all give it a try?

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Just because it is good for you.......................

Couscous is easy to make; a moron can do this one.
Couscous appears to be a healthier choice versus white rice or pasta
Couscous is an alternative to other carby-starchy-grains that seem to round out a meal.

But what if you think Couscous sucks?

Don't eat it stupid!

I know exercise is good for me; but I am not, I repeat not, getting on a treadmill. It ain't gonna happen. No way. No how. I found other options.

So when my friend started telling me he is eating couscous but hates it, it leaves him unfulfilled (as an aside, I feel unfulfilled at times; but not about couscous), I ask him why he eats it.

His response: "It is good for me."

My response was that in the long run it is not going to be good for you; your attitude about weight loss and weight manangement will take a dive.

No lie, ten minutes later...............We're sitting and talking and he tells me he is going next door to see if his neighbor has any cookies.

I chuckled. Guess what he made himself to round out his fish dinner last night!

I left and went home to bed.


Monday, March 03, 2008

How Does Little Debbie Keep Her Figure?

Yes, I'm talking about Little Debbie Cakes!!!

I stopped to pick up some milk the other night at the Cumberland Farms (Cumby's); or as I call it - the Cucumberland Farms. I was also having a little bit of a sweet attack.

Now I learned something a long time ago; don't fight these attacks. In the long run trying to fight off these attacks ends up being worse; I end up eating 18 other "better" items which don't satisfy me and..... well....... you know how that story ends. You do, right?

So I’m walking around the brightly lit convenience store and there it was….. the Little Debbie Cakes display. I start picking up packages; looking at fat grams and calories I am wondering how the heck Little Debbie has kept that girlish figure all these years. Little Debbie should look like a hot air balloon given the information listed on these packages! Discouraged I turn away; even I have my limits when I am dealing with the sweet attack.

But then my eyes gravitated towards a colorful box, a box that had all the colors of my hat! They were Little Debbie Easter Marshmallow Krispy Treats. 100 Calories; decent size; and only a$1.39 for a package of eight! JACKPOT!!!! I bought them.

I was like a kid in a candy store when I got home. I ripped open the package. It was a food-dye extravaganza. The Krispies had all the colors of my hat too. They were chewy, tasty, and probably had about as little nutrition as some of those high priced snack bars I have bought. But just one satisfied that attack; and me and the dogs headed off to sleep.

After giving this some thought I realized that these must be what Little Debbie is eating in order to stay little. That is of course after eating a well balanced diet of fruits, veggies, whole grains, good protein, and some healthy oil - which no matter how good we know is for us, and we do every day, does get old after a while.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Extremist Crazies are Everywhere!

She lost 28 lbs and the minute she "went off her diet" she gained it all back.

Familiar with this? Is this you?

Could it have something to do with this:

Breakfast when on her diet: Oatmeal or egg substitute omelet and some fruit
Breakfast when off her diet: Bagel with Cream cheese

Lunch when on her diet: Salad or some low-fat soup
Lunch when off her diet: a Sandwich (processed meats)

Stop I said. I didn't even want to get to dinner. I was feeling deprived and wanting to slit my wrists just listening to this.

It made total sense to me, it was that extreme dieting thing.

So I suggested 1/2 a bagel with some fruit or eggs. I suggested half a sandwich and a salad. Do you get my point?

Extreme dieting does not work.
Extreme dieting gets you fat.
Extreme dieting makes you crabby.
Extreme dieting lasts for just so long and then you get sick of eating grass, sticks and cardboard.
Extreme dieting is all about martyrdom.

Stop being an extremist! We have the government to take care of that!