If Only I had...........
If only I had eaten the............
If only I had packed my.......
If only I had ordered the.......
If only I had said no to............
If only I had taken the.............
If only I had told my spouse/partner/significant other that.............
Have you had these thoughts? Have you ever wished you had made a different decision?
So forget about it. Move on.
Today is the day you can eat the, pack the, order the, say no to, take the or tell him or her....
Today is the day you can continue to be successful. Yesterday was so..........................well yesterday.
And thanks for the 5 Beers Yesterday!
St. Patty's is such a sneaky holiday. Doesn't seem like a "real" holiday, and yet....beer, soda bread, maybe corned beef for the carnivores. Oy.
I'm tracking points again and it's working!
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