Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wow, that was delicious!

It was chicken broth, escarole, beans and some carrots. Yep, that's it; a few ingredients that made a simple soup. A simple soup that everyone at last night's Dine Off The Pounds found delicious. A simple soup that anyone can prepare at home - anyone. Even a moron. A simple soup that might be the difference between satisfaction and feeling like you're on a diet. A simple soup that...........well you get my point.

They were the most awesome black beans I have ever eaten. They were cooked with onions, garlic and some chicken broth. A simple bean dish that anyone can prepare at home - anyone. Even a moron; even me. I have a can of black beans in the house. I have some garlic, some onions and even some chicken broth. I think I have lunch today?

Remember the last time you were at a restaurant and said, "wow, that was delicious?" I'll bet you can create that same experience in your own kitchen.

I know you can; because remember.................even a moron can do it!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Do you believe how many she ate?

So there I am eavesdropping; something I do regularly; and I hear one woman say to the other..........Do you believe how many she ate. Yes, the public trashing had begun as one woman left her two friends to go off to the ladies room. I heard words like diet and weight as the trashing continued.

As a quick aside, why are women so ruthless to each other; especially when you have men to beat on you?

But I digress.

So in a voice as loud as I knew would be overheard I made the following comment: "She hasn't had enough to catch up to looking like you yet."

The woman returned to the table. I returned to my conversation with friends. One asked what that was all about. I just responded a blog entry.

Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm Afraid To Get On The Scale!

Yes, you know what I'm talking about. You had a week from hell. It was dining out, running here and there, meetings, parties, birthday dinners and everyone you know holding a social event all within in a 72 hour period.

You're now afraid to get on the scale. You know you have gained at least 20 lbs this week.

Then don't.

You know what you did. You know the decisions you made. The scale is either going to confirm what you did and then you get to relive the pain and agony all over; or it is going to surprise you and perhaps give you a license to do it again.

Except next time it will be that 20 lbs.

So forget the scale and go back to doing what you need to do not only to lose weight, but to feel a whole lot better about your actions.

Scales only confirm what you did or did not do; and even they can be wrong. The only person who knows the truth is reading this right now.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Snacking should be fun, right?

I guess it should be fun.

But don't you think that snacking should also be smart?

I've always thought of snacking as a way to fill in the gaps between meals; and by that I mean to balance out my day. So yesterday afternoon I grabbed two slices of Light Rye Bread, some lettuce and tomato slices, a teaspoon of olive oil, and some salt and pepper; a great sandwich was created. This was at 3:00 PM. Got some healthy oil, got some veggies.

But then the other day I was reminded about dehydration. Why can't snacking be about hydrating myself? And I'm not talking water. Soup can be a great hydrator; as can a smoothie. So yesterday mid-morning I took a yogurt, some strawberries and a splash of OJ and tossed it in the Magic Bullet. Hydration, satisfaction and nutrition.

Last night I tossed a fudgesicle into a glass of diet chocolate soda. Hey, snacking should be fun, right!?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

That bike seat can be a pain in the..............

Had a few interesting conversations with people this week regarding the Retreat From Your Weight Loss in June. June's retreat is a bicycling weekend (February's was snowshoeing).

One person told me she doesn't own a bike. She takes a spin class; but doesn't own a bike. She said she could probably borrow a bike. She said she might even see if she can rent a bike for the weekend.

Another person was concerned that she would slow everyone down. I told her I am not looking for athletes. Retreat From Your Weight Loss is about something totally different; about pushing yourself to a new level; about trying something new; having a new experience; sharing time with new friends who are trying to change their lives at the same time; spending time with people who want to have fun that doesn't always include calories. Now I did tell her she needed to have some experience riding; that I would be pushing people to experience the pain you feel in your ass after sitting on a bicycle seat for 20 or 30 miles.

And then I got thinking.................................

About how comfortable we all get...................

Spring is here. People are excited; they're out walking again; they're out gardening again; they're out jogging again. Let's ramp it up this year.....................

Is it time to start covering more distance on that hour walk? Or finishing that three mile walk in shorter time? Is it time to add some hills to that run - uphills that is? Is it time to move that big rock from one side of the garden to the other; to a place where it looks a whole lot nicer - and then maybe painting it some cool colors? I've made a commitment to skate for about an hour every Friday in May. Care to join me? See all the neat things the CT Social Lites have and will be doing by clicking here

Comfortable is an awful place to be. Comfortable is what has helped lead to a life of being fat, unfit and unhealthy. Comfortable is not for people who care about their body.

Is it time to push yourself? Is it time to get uncomfortable again?

Is it time to experience the pain and glory of sitting on a bicycle seat for a few hours?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The ultimate in being lazy?????

Chatting with a friend yesterday morning I told her I was waiting for the Peapod truck to arrive with my groceries.

She made a comment to me about that being the ultimate in lazy.

I responded with why would I want to waste an hour and a half of my time going to the grocery store when I could hop on my bike for that 1 1/2 instead.

She's fat.

Once again, I'll ask the question............... What are you wasting your time doing when you could be doing something to be a bit more active and having a bit more fun?

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Trip to the Buffet

Well for those of you who have been hanging with me for a while, you know my thoughts on buffets. If you need a refresher; the following have been found on a Buffet:


Refer to my book, Yes You're Fat I Like You Anyway if you need a refresher.

Well I just returned from speaking at a conference in Mississippi, (I Love You Clarksdale!); on Friday night I dined with the conference planners and other presenters at a.................guess what....................... you know it's coming......................yes...............................brace yourself..................


Well I found out something......................

In addition to fried catfish, hush puppies, mac and cheese, and ribs slathered in grease, there was fruit, salad, soup, veggies, crab legs, and sweet potatoes. Yes, there were healthier choices - even in Mississippi - the fattest state in the US.

My point:
  1. There is always a better choice if you open your eyes and look
  2. Look out West Virginia...........Mississippi will not be number one next year; they're coming after you. Alabama, you're next!
  3. Sugar free coconut custard pie goes on my top 10 list of the most vile desserts I have ever eaten

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Does Eating Healthy Cost More? (Part 2)

And let's not forget that larger size clothes now cost more. And what about fewer trips to the doc; meaning fewer/lower co-pays, less money being spent on prescriptions and over-the-counter acid reflux and indigestion medications. And what about time and money lost from being sick because you can't go to work and you've used up all of your sick AND vacation time? And maybe you won't need to go to a shrink because your self-esteem is in the toilet (again, fewer/lower co-pays).

Does Eating Healthy Cost More?

I think not. And I'm sticking with my story!!!

So get in your kitchen and whip up a healthy meal today. Your body deserves it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Does Eating Healthy Cost More? (Part 1)

It's a question/comment that pops up a lot.............Eating healthy cost more?

Some say yes. I say no - or it doesn't have to. Here are my thoughts:
  • First of all you should be cooking smaller amounts, so that should be savings
  • Grains like oatmeal, rice and corn meal should go a long way
  • Shop the discount stores
  • Shop the warehouse stores with a friend and share the savings on the humongous packages of things like cereal and meat
  • Beans also go a long way, can be quite delicious and are relatively inexpensive
  • Stews don't have to be high priced
  • Make things from scratch rather than buying those $3 and $4 convenience foods. The only person you're conveniencing is the CEO of that food company collecting that fat salary
  • Buy fruit and veggies in season
  • Consider buying day old fruit and veggies; but only if you're going to use them that day
  • Brown bag your lunch
  • Peanut Butter is less expensive than luncheon meats; and it is good for you
  • Buy frozen versus fresh produce. Canned should be your last resort
  • Will all the leftovers make a funky new meatloaf? Think outside the stomach!
  • Prepared, Prepackaged and Precut means Premium priced. Stop being lazy.

Well that's just a few ideas. How about contributing an idea or two by clicking the comments below.

And what do you do with the savings? Put some gas in the car and join some new and old friends at Dine Off The Pounds, buy yourself a present, buy a new smaller-sized spring outfit, or save it for a rainy day.

And stay tuned for Part 2.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I can relate!

One of my pups spent the night at the animal hospital. She spent yesterday morning puking. By noon I was a concerned dad, and with her brother we sped off to the vet.

Driving home from the vet I was talking with my friend Jacki. I was sharing how the vet is pretty sure it is an intestinal virus, but who knows with all the crap these two dogs of mine eat. If it's not tied down they eat it. Basically, they eat anything and everything they can find.

And without missing a beat, Jacki responds............"I can relate!"

How about you....... Can you relate?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Banana Splits for Breakfast!

I love banana splits. Can't remember the last time I had one, but I love banana splits.

Well I got a little creative this morning for breakfast; so here you go....................

Banana Split Smoothie
1 cup milk (I used 1% milk)
1 banana
1/2 cup Cocoa Krispies

Tossed it all in the Magic Bullet and in just four seconds.................... a Banana Split for Breakfast. Tomorrow I'll try tossing it in the nuclear wave oven for a minute and pretend it's a banana split with hot fudge sauce.

Oh, and before you start going "yuk", "gross" etc.............. Remember I've been at my desired goal weight for 19 years! And I attribute much of that success to a willingness to "play" with food. When was the last time you played/experimented with food? Try it. Soon. Like Today.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

My hat is off to the restaurant industry today!

Have you ever dined out with weight/nutrition conscious people? (As if who is not these days)

One is on a low-cal diet; another a no-cal diet. No sugar for her. No white flour for him. This one doesn't eat bread. That one doesn't do alcohol. No caffeine down the other side of the table. No butter for him. No dressing for her. Please leave the cream sauce off. Can they put the sauce on the side? No potato with the fish, can you replace it with extra string beans? One double order of salad please! Well I guess one piece of bread won't matter, I did get two veggies.

Yep, that was the scene at dinner last night with 6 colleagues; most who look like they are at a perfect weight..............................

I guess you know why.

And my hat is off to our waiter and the chefs. Every order came out as requested.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Shift in Mindset is Happening!

The NYS Thruway has rest areas every 20 or 30 miles. At each one you can find some combination of Starbucks, McDonald's, Roy Rogers, Dunkin Donuts, Sbarro and assorted other options to increase the size of your thighs, add some jelly to your belly, or use lots of cream to lower your self-esteem.

The NYS Thruway also has TravelMarts. TravelMarts sell the typical stuff; candy, cookies, newspapers, books, souvenirs and gum. But what they also have is a refrigerator case full of yogurts, fruit, sandwiches, and small pieces of cheese; just to name a few things. Yes, they have better options, healthier options; smarter options.

In the past week I've reported to you about the WaWa and now the TravelMart. Looks to me as if people are finally getting a clue. Yes, I'll pay $1.50 for a yogurt. I'll pay $.99 for a small piece of cheese. I'll pay $3.00 for three bites of fruit.

It's beats the price paid for being fat and unhappy. Don't you agree?

But more importantly, where have you noticed more and more better choices being offered? Inquiring minds want to know. Click the comments button below and let us know.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Honor of Getting Fat!

Does your credit card give you points? Miles? Rewards? Are you a frequent traveler, stayer or car renter? Do you have points earned everywhere?

Years ago I remember my American Express bill arriving and inside I learned that for 25,000 points I could get Junior's Cheesecake delivered to me. Cheesecake is a favorite; Junior's is one of the Rulers of the Cheesecake Kingdom. It was tough to resist cashing in those points; after all at the time I had 200,000 points; what's 25,000.

Today I checked in to a Hilton. I gave them my Hilton Honors number. The lovely woman who registered me informed me that fresh cookies would be available at 8:00 tonight and as a Hilton Honors member I get a bottle of water and a snack; it is has already been placed in my room.

When I arrived to my room the water and snack was there; the snack was a bag of Mini Fudge Stripe Cookies.



I guess Hilton Honors you by helping you get fat and unhealthy! AARRGGHH!! Doesn't the Hilton family know that everyone is not as anorexic as their darling Ding-Dong Paris?

Anyway............... a little while ago I opened the cookies; not because I was hungry; because they were there. I ate one. I ate a second.

Not Good.

I emptied the bag in the toilet.

Next time I stay at the Marriott! And right now I'm heading out to eat a healthy dinner with someone I picked up in the lobby this afternoon. But more about that another time.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Did I Tell You I (may no longer) Hate The Gym?

I hate the gym!

But I've been on the road for a week; not returning for 4 more days and needed to do some exercise. So I dragged my sorry butt down to the gym this morning. I told myself I would spend 30 minutes there even if it killed me (thanks for the inspiring words Susan).

Below are the pictures; I figured this was a monumental event. Yes they are blurry, I was moving.

This is me on the stair climber. I lasted 1:47; this totally sucked; i was never so miserable in my life.

This is me on the exercise bike. I lasted 15:22; the longest 15:22 of my life; even with disco music.

Okay I'll try the DREADMILL; I lasted 13:08; the time it took me to listen to the extended 12" version of Viola Wills; "If You Could Read My Mind"

I think I made the 30 minutes; and I did three different machines. Not so bad. Maybe I'll do it again tomorrow. Although my client has invited me to their Luau tonight; maybe I'll just dance.

How about you? Would breaking an exercise routine down into smaller chunks be the motivator to get you moving?

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Or should I say WA?

Or should I say WAWA?

The WAWA is one of my favorite convenience stores. They are the Mid-Atlantic's answer to 7-11 or Mobil On-The-Run..............But so much better.

So yesterday was one of those days of fitting in food between driving to a destination, presenting an employee morale program, and having to get to another destination for today. I am sure you have all had similar days.

I came to a traffic light. McDonald's on one corner; Wendy's behind McDonald's. So what's it gonna be I thought? Hamburger? Baked Potato and chili? I looked to my right. And there it was, just across the street, set back a bit from the road, a WAWA. JACKPOT!

Now my first evil thought (yes, I still have them) was that WAWA carries one of my favorite foods....................

Yes, even as I celebrate (this month) 19 years of losing 30+ pounds, the little fat boy inside tries to sneak out every so often.

Well when I walked into the WAWA I was blown away immediately. It was if someone was watching over me. I have never seen a selection of fresh fruit, salads that were not brown, and an attractive yogurt display like this. The deli inside was offering gourmet healthy sandwiches. There were containers of sliced apples and cheese; more apples than cheese.

So I grabbed a yogurt, a 32 oz diet fountain soda and a quart of cut-up melon and pineapple. Out the door I went. No Krimpets.

No problem, I always travel with Peeps.

Today's point (for the slower ones): There is always a better choice; sometimes we are presented with it; sometimes we have to search it out.


It's 2 months until the next Retreat From Your Weight Loss. Is it time for you to put the fun before the food? Click the link above to learn more and see what others have said about the last retreat.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Have you ever tried Gefilte Fish!

Swung by mom's house yesterday to say a quick hello as I headed to the Land of Cheese Steak.

And there in the fridge was a jar of Gefilte Fish. I love Gefilte Fish! It's popular around Passover; but available year round.

A kiss, a hug, two pieces of Gefilte Fish with horseradish, a hard boiled egg and I was on my way.

But here is the weird thing.................. it's available all year round, it's good for me, it's about 50 calories a piece, I love the stuff; yet I never buy it. Why is that?

And if you're with me here and connecting the dots.................What's your Gefilte Fish? Pick some up this weekend.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Are you looking for food or solutions?

Yesterday, all that could go wrong did..................

  • The new online printing company screwed up my order; the order that was supposed to arrive to my office yesterday was not going to; nor was I going to have it by this morning; nor could they promise delivery to my hotel by today. I needed it for a keynote tomorrow.
  • You know that little prong on your laptop; the one where you plug your electric cord in to juice the broke..............again. I am leaving today for ten days. I call the guy who fixed it the last time; the phone just kept ringing and ringing. I had my friend Michelle swing by the store (she lives nearby); they packed up and left town! (No this was not an April Fool's Day joke.) I tried one more time to call; someone picked up. Hooray!! They had moved; but Neil was there! I brought it over to him; he said he could fix it in a few days. I told him I am leaving in the morning. He said he would fix it.
  • Upon returning home from the laptop repair man; I turned on my desktop. Hard drive fried. (At least my system is backed-up online. If you're not regularly backing up, click on the following link; you'd be foolish not to and it is very inexpensive:Online Backup is Easy
  • I picked up my laptop later in the day, turned it on and it was telling me my password was wrong. I am now locked out of my own computer. I called computer man at 7:30 PM; he was still there; he was a bit befuddled; said they didn't touch anything; only changed prong. He had me log on to the guest account and start typing the alphabet. Okay, keyboard not working. I'm panicking; remember I'm leaving in the morning. He tells me to go get a small Philips heads screw driver and proceeds to walk me through fixing my laptop on the telephone.

And this has to do with what you may ask????

Okay folks, with each of these turns I found myself in the kitchen; looking for food; not looking for solutions. Then it dawned on me; I can get fat and feel horrible about my actions or I can find solutions. Yet even though I knew that, I kept going to the kitchen. You with me?

Well, to make a long story short I am picking up the cards this morning on my way out of town from a vendor I use regularly, I borrowed a friend's computer during the day yesterday and my laptop is working again. As for the's time for a new one anyway.

So from this day forth I leave you with the following...................

"Got problems? Look for solutions, not food." - Rich DiGirolamo

(feel free to pass that little quote along to the chunky ones in your life)

Oh, at the end of the day I had eaten 3 cups of New England Clam Chowder. Could have been worse; a lot worse.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Drink Your Water!