Saturday, May 31, 2008

Live Vicariously Through Others Getting Fat!

My new Mantra!

Live Vicariously Through Others Getting Fat!

So when I caught this show on the Travel Channel last night, World's Best Places To Pig Out, I couldn't resist sharing this information with you. I was getting grossed out watching other people attempt to consume a pizza that could feed a planet, an ice cream sundae fit for California and enough oysters to deplete the world's supply.

People say that living vicariously through others is a bad thing..........well here is an example when it's a good thing!

Have a Skinny, healthy, happy weekend.

Friday, May 30, 2008

THEY say eat breakfast!

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


Who the heck are "they" anyway?

The Egg Council? The Dairy Council? Your first grade teacher? The doctor? Mom? Grandma? The weight loss gurus? All of the aforementioned? None?

I've known breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a long time; not because they told me, not because my doctor told me, but because it is my favorite meal of the day. I could eat breakfast foods all day long. As a matter of fact there are days when I do. Heck if it wasn't for a breakfast mentality I would probably get no dairy in my body - I would probably also be a big fat cow.

So I think today I'll start off with
  • a nice banana smoothie (banana, yogurt, splash of OJ and ice).
  • At some point during the day I'll make a veggie sausage scramble and stuff it in a pita or a wrap - veggie sausage!
  • And dinner, ice cold milk, my favorite cereal and some blueberries.
  • A snack might be some cottage cheese mixed with tomatoes, cucumbers, and horseradish.

Ah, nothing like breakfast.......for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack.

After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day..............


Thursday, May 29, 2008

A lesson learned from Marcie

"I noticed the meetings have changed and my leader spends a lot of the meeting time trying to sell us products" said Sandy as she asked me what WW meetings I am now leading. She was thinking of switching or trusting her success that she could do the last ten pounds on her own.

I informed Sandy that I left WW about six months ago; the main reason being a philosophical difference - that I could no longer support the push to sell, sell, sell.

While I still wholeheartedly believe in the two food programs as a great way of life for many people, I could no longer have my success or effectiveness as a leader be measured on how much money people spent when they walked through the door. I still measure success on weight loss, on behavior change, on belief in yourself to make changes, on recognizing the power of listening and sharing experiences. I acknowledge success even when you realize that you have graduated from WW and are ready to move on and continue to persevere on your own and in a manner that seems to make sense to you.

About a month ago I was facilitating a board retreat for a professional association; one of the members, Marcie, mentioned that she was leaving the association; it was time to move on. The association was there for her at a point in her career when the education and learning was critical; but her life and her business were in a different place now and she needed a new group; and that she always knows she has her colleagues and friends here if and when she needs them. She was excited and sad at the same time; more excited than sad.

So why am I writing this?

In the last few weeks I have had several people contact me asking if they should stop attending WW. It is for varied reasons, but they seem to be looking for guidance. Here is my initial thought...........Most likely you've checked out if you're asking that question. Most likely you're looking for a different approach; at least right now. WW will always be there. They are not going away and you can always go back. They offer a valuable service and "some" valuable products (processed foods are not valuable products). But please have some sort of a plan for your health; something that will ensure you take care of the only person that matters - YOU!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

And yet another use for Bailey's

Okay, this is probably one of the lowest calorie desserts around - mainly because you don't need much.

Buy some chocolate licorice candy (one piece is like 40 calories).
Marinade it in Bailey's Irish Creme for a couple of hours.

That's it. Another two ingredient hit!

My suggestion is to go buy one of those airline size bottles of Bailey's. After you're done marinading, pour the stuff back in the bottle to be used again.

And this has what to do with getting/being Skinny you might ask?

Here goes.............

I'm not giving up sweets. I'm not giving up alcohol. I'm not; and I still think all of those crazies who say they are going to give up white flour, sugar, and alcohol are going to have a meltdown some day. I still believe in moderation, substitution and portion control. Sometimes it has to do with bread and white pasta; other times it has to do with candy and alcohol.

And almost twenty years later I am proof in the bottle that it works - if you're willing to work on it.

You can take control of a perceived problem food; if you would start using your noodle a bit more - and not a whole wheat one.

Monday, May 26, 2008

We used to whine about the food

"We used to whine about the good food and all the vegetables you barbecued" Ginger said to me as we were catching up the other day. "Now it's like all we eat. We hardly ever eat burgers and dogs."

She's lost 40 lbs, is eating right, exercising, and looks (my observation) and feels like a million bucks.

Like I've always said...............dare to be different; dare not to cave in; some day they'll thank you!

Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 23, 2008

And the fight begins................

I'm a co-organizer of a little Picnic/BBQ this weekend. Yep, me and another control freak. (Hey, at least I admit my faults - what are yours?)

So here is what is happening............
  • I don't do burgers and dogs at a picnic/BBQ; he does.

  • I don't do salads swimming in mayo and oil; he does.

  • I suggest we doing something different; something that people won't be getting all summer. He likes to take the easy way out.

  • He is concerned that certain people coming won't be willing to eat some of my ideas. My response is that there is a Burger King and a Dairy Queen less than two miles away. I also assure him that from experience, they will.

  • He likes to tell me all the things that need to get done for the party; I just go about doing things and getting them done.

When I have the opportunity to offer people a different experience, I do. In this particular case that different experience might also keep my waistline in check; it also gives me an opportunity to hone my cooking abilities a bit more; which I know has helped me with my twenty year battle of the waistline.

So it looks like this control freak won the battle of the food. But it will be interesting to see what is "smuggled" into the picnic. But that's okay, because when there is enough food around to keep you in check, you usually stay in check. And I'll bet that the "different" stuff goes first anyway, it always does.

How about you? Are you willing to offer a different picnic experience this year?

Pork Loin in Raspberry Syrup Marinade anyone?

P.S. Happy Birthday to my babies! They're two today!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's time......................

Yep, the unofficial beginning of summer is here. Perhaps you're getting together with people this weekend. Well it's time for everyone to see what you did this winter.

  • Will you be showing off a new body?
  • Will you be showing more leg or less leg?
  • Will you be showing more cleavage as a result of buttons popping open or less cleavage because your body decided to lose the weight in all the wrong places?
  • Will you be modeling new eating and socializing habits?
  • Will you be sharing your love of a new exercise you found this year?
  • Will you be sharing food?
  • Will you be noticing which of your family and/or friends got fatter this year?

It's time to share your success.

Or is it time to go "Oh crap, I've got three days to fix the mess?"

Monday, May 19, 2008

And none of that soy or veggie crap

Yesterday I spent the day repairing my dock with some neighbors. (Okay, they were repairing; I was for the most part watching - as I am nursing an injury)

Well it was lunch time; and time to feed them.

"Fire up the BBQ" one of them said.

I asked what they wanted.

The response.........."Burgers. Dogs. And none of that soy or veggie crap you eat."

I chuckled. Guess I have a reputation.

But when people make comments like that, it does get me thinking......................

I'm glad I've been willing to try new and healthier foods. I'm glad that I've broadened my horizons when it comes to eating; and still left with a feeling of being satisfied. I'm glad that I've learned that it is all about choices; making better ones most of the time and not so good ones some of the time - and being able to enjoy that high fat flame shooting six-feet up in the air cheeseburger without guilt.

How about you? Do your better eating and health habits have people talking about you? Do they have you feeling better about yourself?

Friday, May 16, 2008

A few favorites might lead to a new favorite

I wanted something warm this morning.
I wanted something different this morning.
I wanted something comforting this morning.

So I followed a piece of my own advice..............

I took three favorites:
  • a whole wheat pita
  • peanut butter
  • shredded cheddar

Staring down at them I was having second thoughts; but I took the plunge.

Spread the peanut butter on the pita; sprinkled the cheese on the peanut butter; rolled up the pita and popped it on the George Forman Grill.

The result...............................

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just a Bit More; You're Almost There

I was tired of tossing and turning and watching the clock go nowhere at 4:00 this morning; so at 4:15 I found myself warp speeding through the 900 channels of nothingness that Comcast calls television. Some movie caught my attention. I tuned in right at the moment when three people were crossing a log over an endless black hole. Two of the people had made it across safely; one was nervous, scared and frozen. The other two kept telling her Just a Bit More; You're Almost There.

Just a bit more; you're almost there. Hmmmm.................

Seems to me there were three options. Do nothing. Jump off the log and die a tragic death, or move at a snail's pace to success.

You with me?

If so, read on. If not, go eat a donut.

Can you move just a bit more today? Walk an extra 5 minutes, 1/4 mile or a bit faster?

Can you make a better decision today; just a little bit better than the one you're about to make; the one you made yesterday?

Can you do anything that is just a bit better, smarter, or faster in the name of better health today?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Never Shop On An Empty Stomach????

There is this thought that you should never grocery shop on an empty stomach; that you will end up impulse shopping and buying things that might not be so good for you.

The thought continues that if you are not hungry you'll shop appropriately for your weight loss or weight management strategy. Seems to make sense, right?

So if logic prevails, it would lead me to believe that if I eat until it hurts and then go shopping I'll probably just buy grass and sticks out of desperation to make up for my eating sins.

Your thoughts?

Hey have you checked out the Recess At Work Day Blog?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lose Weight! Gain Self-Esteem

I was pulling onto my street the other day and saw my neighbor's nephew walking towards me.

Rich: Hey Josh, haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?

Josh: Good.

Rich: Where you heading.

Josh: To the grocery store.

Rich: You're walking; good for you.

Josh: I need to.

Rich: We all do.

Now it is less than 1/2 mile from my house to the grocery store, but you have no idea what a big deal this was. My neighbor has been trying for several years to get Josh to change his unhealthy eating and inactive ways. Josh's family are those "roll" models, not role models I have talked about in the past. Two summers ago Josh spent some time here with his uncle. Several of us tried to "make him into a man." We did a makeover. We dragged him out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to get him walking or to go to the gym with his uncle; took away his donuts and cut his scary hair off. It was actually fun.

So to see this kid walking to a new tune; about 30 lbs thinner; was a great thing. To see him smiling and happy was a pretty cool thing.

Amazing what losing a bit of weight, getting a bit active and changing your hair can do for one's self-esteem - even a guy!

There's something free over on the right!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

She joined a gym

She joined a gym
to look at him
to look at Tim
and look at Jim

She joined a gym
to lose her fanny
she also got to
look at Manny

She joined a gym
she found it handy
to replace her sweet tooth
with eye candy

Yes, this story
of Alisa is true
Perhaps this motivation
will work for you


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Today I'll focus on.............

No fat
or maybe low fat
or maybe fat free
or maybe trans fats
or maybe caffeine
or getting some wine
or high fiber
or low fiber
maybe high fat
maybe I'll watch cholesterol
perhaps I should monitor salt
but what about sugar
Vitamin C?
The B groups?
What about water?
Does exercise really matter?
Red wine is good
Chocolate is good if it is dark
Butter? Margarine?
I heard strength training leads to weight loss, not cardio?
What about potassium?
Vitamin E?
Is diet soda really bad?
Can one eat too much salad?
Do I really need oil?
And which of the good ones is the best?
Green Tea?
Iced Tea?
Is red meat bad?
All of it?
Should I eat small meals or large meals?
When should I eat?
When should I exercise?
When should I stop eating?
Maybe Oprah doesn't have a clue?
Fergie looks good
Valerie Bertinelli looks hot
Queen Latifah wants me to join her
Richard Simmons is having a cruise; should I go?
Rich is having a retreat ; should I go?
Will this ever get easier?
What am I having for dinner tonight?
I don't want fruit for dessert
The chart says I'm supposed to weigh this
The ad says I can lose 30 lbs by tomorrow
Tomorrow never comes. Hmm.
I'm really not that fat
I could lose it any time I want
But most people don't keep it off
What if that is me
What is the right weight for me?
Who decides?
What about zinc? Is that important?
I hate water
I hate carrots
I hate oatmeal
5 servings of fruits and veggies per day
or is it 7
Someone told me it was 9
Do I really need milk?
Seems the milk society thinks so
And the egg society has had some great findings too in support of eggs
White pasta
White bread
White anything is no good for me
Potatoes are bad
Rice is bad

Enjoy the rest of your day of Dieting Mixed Messages

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I'll bet she'd show up if I had pizza

My friend was trying to rope me into helping him with some boring mundane (volunteer) project today. Having done my fair share of volunteer work, I declined; asking where his committee was?

He told me nowhere to be found and he proceeded to trash "the big fat thing" on his committee and commented on how she was probably stuffing her face at some buffet and how she would "definitely" show up and help if he told her pizza was being served.


But it got me thinking about who may have been talking about me 32 lbs ago; and what they were possibly saying. It got me thinking about the prejudice that is still out there. It got me thinking about how mean people can be.

But then it got me thinking about how glad I am to have taken control of my weight before it was 100 lbs. It also got me thinking about how much food was a part of my life years ago; and how it is not as important any longer.

Of course it got me thinking about pizza too!

But I am curious...................what are your thoughts on this post?

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Now before you say gross.............

Here's one from Rich's two ingredient recipe file (watch for the book someday soon):

Beef Liver
Ginger Teriyaki Marinade

Marinade the liver for 1 - 2 hours. Grill.


That's it; unless you want to add some sauteed onions to the concoction.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Rethink Fiber. (do not) Think Fiber One.

So when my Peapod order arrived last week the Thomas' Multi Grain English Muffins were substituted with the Fiber One brand.

Well this morning I tossed that little sucker into the toaster. I topped it with some Cottage Cheese with Pineapple.

Gag. The cardboard taste was coming through.

I topped it with some more cottage cheese.

Gag. I could still taste cardboard.

More cottage cheese. Okay, this is defeating the purpose. This is a surefire way to blow portion control to hell.

Scrape off the cottage cheese; silly to waste it; especially when it is so good!

Where are the dogs? They'll eat anything.

Nowhere to be found.

The one time I need to be tripping over them; having them at my heels while in the kitchen they are nowhere to be found. Hmm........... maybe they know something I don't about these awful muffins.

On the package it reads...........Rethink Fiber. Think Fiber One. I'm all for a high fiber low-fat diet, but in this case....................