Friday, November 30, 2007

Weight Loss Success Compliments of South Park

Day 28 of the e-workbook You Have to Get Heavy In Order to Get Skinny is probably one of the toughest exercises - it's about brutal honesty (If you haven't gotten there yet don't look ahead. Remember, no moving forward until you finish the prior days exercises).

But let's face it, sometimes we need brutal honesty; people who are not going to let you make excuses, slack off or give up on yourself.

So what does this have to do with the South Park?

Enter the Accountabilibuddy. I fell in love with the word the first time I heard it. It was while watching an episode of South Park. I think it is pretty clear what the term means and I think you should get one.

An Accountabilibuddy is someone who you can be accountable to; someone who is going to challenge you when you are slacking; someone who you can communicate with regularly as to your progress. Your Accountabilibuddy relationship should be targeted to a specific area; your diet - this person is not going to change your world; there are coaches and shrinks to do that. But remember, the second half of the word is buddy; you've got to be willing to do the same for them; so find someone who has a very similar challenge. I've got one Accountabilibuddy relationship in my business life and about to get another one started.

Why a second one? They are powerful! But be careful who you pick; think long and hard before choosing a friend.

Today's challenge! Find your Accountabilibuddy and set a date to begin by the New Year.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Do Breakfast!

How many of you Do Lunch?

It's an opportunity to catch up with friends, close business deals, discuss business opportunities, see family, or just not cook.

For some it's also an opportunity to get fat(ter).

How about doing breakfast instead? Some would say it is easier to keep to your weight loss goals.
  • Breakfast usually doesn't include wine
  • Breakfast usually doesn't include dessert
  • Breakfast usually doesn't include a bread basket while you wait
  • Breakfast is the meal of champions - which you are!
  • Eggs, oatmeal, fruit, yogurt and cereal are usually available if you choose the right place and they tend to have opportunities for fiber, protein and whole grains
  • Most people eat a smaller meal at breakfast
  • A glass of juice is much better for you than a glass of soda
  • No after breakfast "drinks" at most places
  • And finally, you really shouldn't skip breakfast; so look at it as an opportunity to start your day off the right way

Look at all the opportunities to cut fat and calories out of a dining out experience. So in this season of catching up with friends and colleagues......................your challenge today is to DO BREAKFAST!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How do you stay so slim?

It's a question I've been asked over and over. I guess it is nice to be a role model.

So here goes................................

  • I walk my talk - meaning I actually do most of the things I talk and write about. I don't just offer what might be good ideas, I offer what has been experienced
  • I learn to forgive myself when I get carried away with my eating
  • I laugh at my eating train wrecks
  • I give in to my cravings
  • I'll take the time to figure out how to slim down an "it was so delicious" meal
  • I say no
  • I create an environment that supports my efforts - and have done so for almost twenty years
  • I exercise - and not consistently
  • I'll always try something twice - yes twice. A new food. A new exercise. A new idea. The second time I try it a different way
  • I do not deviate from what I know works. I do not need to find out if I can make it work better. It is working fine
  • I seek out and learn from other people's mistakes; honestly acknowledging which mistakes I am capable of committing and setting myself up not to
  • I do my best to eliminate temptation in my world
  • I read about weight loss success in books and on blogs. I listen to other speakers talk about weight loss. I may not always agree with the approach but if I take one idea from a talk, a video, an audio or a book, it was worth the investment in myself.
  • I hang around with different people; people who are not enjoying life via food
  • I don 't watch much TV which seemed to always involve Ritz Crackers, Jelly and Peanut Butter or an entire sleeve of graham crackers in a big wide-mouthed glass of milk
  • I keep a kitchen stocked with foods which support my efforts
  • I really don't care that you are getting an appetizer and dessert; nor do I want you looking to me for approval

Well that's not all of it, but probably most of it. But in the Season of Food Challenges, here is a challenge for you...................................

Pick 5 of the above and focus on them through the holiday season. And challenge yourself a bit. Pick the ones that might be a bit tougher.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Bring on the Snow!

Sing the following to the tune of let it snow............

Oh the weather outside will get frightful.
And you'll want to take one more bite full
In the kitchen you'll pick at this and that
And most of it won't be nonfat

Okay not the greatest, but do you get my point? It's a time of the year when baking, partying and comforting is abundant. I want to make sure you don't become any more abundant.

In my book Yes, You're Fat I Like You Anyway! I talk about bites. Specifically I talk about the first bite being the best, the second bite tasting the same, the third bite kicking in guilt, shame and disgust, and the fourth bite sucking.
So here is my challenge to you for the remainder of this holiday season.
  • Bake Less - since we know that two bites are enough, you won't need to bake as much. Cut that sinful recipe in half this year. I know you can do it - look at it as an opportunity to review your high school math.
  • Party Differently - I just went and looked up the definition of party. The first one I came across talked about a gathering of people for conversation, refreshments and entertainment. Well at least refreshments was second. Not one of the definitions said stuff yourself with food until it hurts, allowing your butt and thighs to increase in size, only to feel like crap the next morning. Get my point?
  • Find Comfort - in something other than chocolate and sugar. Call a long lost friend. Spend some quality time with a loved one over coffee. Curl up with a book and a puppy in front of the fire.

Yesterday I told you a challenge was coming. This is just the beginning. Are you up for the task?

Think Red Slutty Thing.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Don't Even Think About It.................

Abandoning your efforts until January that is.

Oh c'mon, I know a few of you have already thought it.

Don't Even Think About It!

Come January it will be much more fun to watch others whine how much fatter they got during the holiday season.

And after all, there really aren't that many difficult days if you look at your calendar. You're not that popular.

So are you up for a challenge? Stay tuned............................

Friday, November 23, 2007

And the leftover game begins..................

There are leftovers. Lots of leftovers. I don't know about you, but sometimes it is very hard to bounce back from an eating frenzy; a day where food was so abundant, so delicious and so full of sugar and spice and everything nice.

Pie was looking very good this morning. Very good. Oh so very good.

Next to the pie was cranberry sauce; fresh cranberries which were cooked with Splenda and Mandarin Oranges; a much better alternative to pie.

Well I found out something.................Fresh cranberry sauce in oatmeal is very good. Oh so very good. Sweet, satisfying and healthier.

The pie will have to wait - and it will be at the end of a day, not the beginning of a day where it just might spin the rest of the day out of control.

Do you have leftovers? Get creative and stay in control. You will love the feeling.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Happy Day My Turkeys!!!
Thanks for your continued support and friendship!

Now on your mark.

Get set.

I'll race you to the stuffing!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tomorrow is the day.............................

So once again it is time to make that promise.............

Raise Your Right Hand and repeat the following:

I promise, Cross my heart and hope to die,
I will not wear stretchy-pants to Thanksgiving dinner.

Now in the spirit of the holiday season this was too funny not to post. It is from one of you; and with her permission I give you Thanksgiving 2006 with what could be most any family:

Hi Rich,
Thinking of our wonderful Thanksgiving of 2006….

Last year we worked for days, bringing up tables, ironing tablecloths, shopping and preparing any food that we could. I even did flower arrangements in pumpkins.

When the big day arrived we wanted everyone to eat together (for the full 8 minutes as you said). When some of the men tried to camp out in front of the football game we asked that the family sit together for the brief meal. My drunk sister-in-law wanted to start a fight with her hubby so she asked him (in a very slurred voice), “What’s the matter?”

In comes my unsuspecting husband with a nice bottle of wine to share. My brother-in-law turns on David and tells him, “Thanks a lot, Dave.” (Heaven forbid he should want a glass of wine with the meal that he worked so hard for).

So, the sister in law ends up passing out at the table – apparently she started early before coming to our house.
I am in doing the dishes alone and I hear this thumping sound coming from the dining room. She was doing head-nods into my antique glass cabinet. I had to ask, “Can someone get that for me? She is going to go through the glass…”

Thanks Mrs. S for that contribution.

Gobble! Gobble!


And remember, leave some of the plumpness with the Turkey!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What else can I remove in order to lose weight?

Have you ever played the game What Else Can I Remove to Lose Weight?

If you're not familiar with the game it is where you take off things like jewelery in hopes of squeaking out an extra one gazillionth of a pound at the scale. It is where you stand in front of the scale in the nude or search through the closet for the lightest, sheerest article of clothing. You shave your underarms and legs, blow your nose, clip nose hair, get a haircut or pass gas in search of a descending number on the scale. People in diet clubs do it. People in diet programs do it. People in diet contests do it.

Well to help you win the game, here are some additional things you might want to remove in order to actually lose weight:
  • Try removing the clothes from that piece of exercise equipment and get a little intimate with it.
  • Try removing some of the processed crappy food from your counters, cupboards, desk drawers, cars and fridge.
  • Try removing the extra heaping of whatever that sometimes ends up on the plate.
  • Try removing serving spoons made for a trough when serving meals.
  • Try removing leftovers that are just calling your name.

You want to lose weight, REMOVE THE HEAD GAMES - and go outside and play some that require exertion.

Friday, November 16, 2007

To Blog or Blob

I write this as I am sitting in a Leadership meeting where I am having a hard time staying awake. Things are being beaten to death.

There is food off in the corner......................fruit, cookies, granola bars and a big bowl of chocolate. Maybe I'll go get some.

Have you been here? Using food to amuse yourself?

The woman across the room from me is knitting. Damn, I left my yarn and knitting needles back in CT; what a great way to keep my hands busy.

But I do have my laptop. I'll blog.

I'll Blog instead of feeling like a Blob later.

What can you start doing to avoid feeling like a blob?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Goldfish, M&M's and Cookies!!!!

Sitting across the aisle on the flight this morning were a mother and two children. She kept them entertained with Goldfish, M&M's and cookies. The children were quiet for the entire five hour flight. They were also a "bit" overweight. So was mom.

Sitting two rows back was a mother, father and their child. On both of my trips to the little boy's room I noticed they were offering the child fruit. He wasn't interested in the fruit. He cried a lot during the entire five hour flight. But he was skinny. So are mom and dad.

Do we applaud the parents for taking a stand against feeding their child crap?
Do we applaud the other woman for giving her child crap so 200 other people didn't have to suffer?

But even deeper.......Some people think weight is genetics. Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. But I still think being a good role model for those we love is key.

Who have you been a role model for? Or are you a roll model?

And to add insult to injury, the kids who eat crap might be smarter:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Socializing this Holiday Season? (A revisit)

Are you about to become one of the statistics? One of the millions of people who will gain weight during “all-you-can-eat” season – Thanksgiving through New Years. Well it doesn’t have to be that way.

There are millions of people who will not gain weight. There are millions of people who will attend parties, social events, and holiday dinners where they will enjoy themselves without the need to inhale and pop open that top button as they walk to the car. How about joining those ranks this year? You can. Just take these five steps to make it about things other than the food.

Positioning. How many parties are on your list this year? How many opportunities do you have for your butt to expand? It’s all about the positioning. Where do you position yourself at a party? Near the food? In the food? Stand near the food and chances are it will attach itself to your body – and in places you might not like. So be afraid. Be very afraid. It will find you. Move away. Go to another room. Watch others increase their size this year. Instead of eating try engaging in some…

Conversation. Here is a sad thought; there are people who see each other only once or twice per year and have nothing to say other than to make comments about how good the food is. Try having some meaningful conversation this holiday season. Or better yet, is there a person across the room you might want to meet. Perhaps you’ve been stalking, uh, I mean watching, that hot looking person for quite some time. Perhaps they seem interesting. Perhaps they are the next Mr. or Mrs. Right (or Mr. or Mrs. Right Now). Go seek out that new friend. Who knows what opportunities might arise from that conversation? Perhaps you, this new friend, and a few others can move that conversation outside and…

Play. Let’s face it you either love exercise or you don’t. But let’s talk about play. Everyone loves to play. When you were a kid you went outside to play; not exercise. So have a snowball fight. Rake and jump in a pile of leaves. Then rake them together again. Play tag. Play Hide and Seek. Toss a Frisbee. Just make sure you include some fun at that next social gathering. And when you’re tired, then go back inside for dessert and that after dinner drink. But please make sure you…

Milk that drink No, I don’t mean drink milk; although the dairy council would love that you did so. You know you don’t want milk. You want beer, wine, and alcohol. But can you “milk” that drink – make it last just a bit longer. Studies have shown that holding a drink in your hand can be as important as drinking the drink. So go refresh your drink with a few more ice cubes. Your clothes will appreciate it. You also might start appreciating yourself a bit more. Small successes like this can be critical to…

Keep yourself motivated. Keeping motivated this time of year can be tough. Read motivational weight loss tips. Check out weight loss websites. Listen to weight loss audio programs, join a weight loss support group – a fun one. Create a fun support group for free, by using services such as

This is the time of year to laugh and play with family and friends. Sometimes we forget that and make it too much about the food. Make the holidays about the fun this year and redeem those holiday gift certificates for smaller sizes come January.

Here’s to a skinnier, healthier and more fun holiday season! I’ll be watching you at that next seasonal gathering.

Monday, November 12, 2007

What Next.....................Why The Rotisserie Diet Of Course

I find TV so stimulating, which is why I spend so little time watching it.

But yesterday I think I saw infomercials sink to a new low. That Set-It-And-Forget-It guy is now hawking his rotisserie as a diet! Yes, according to this infomercial you need this device in order to be successful on your High Protein-Low Carb diet. Hey, why not jump on the diet/obesity band wagon. Seems like everyone else is. He's even lost 12 lbs by using his Rotisserie Diet!

Okay enough sarcasm.

I'm all for new gadgets................. if they are going to keep you motivated and marching forward in your quest to being skinnier and healthier. I even talk about the value of "new" in my audio program Yes, You're Fat I Like You Anyway (which has been price slashed through the end of November.) But let's face it folks, it is our attitudes and beliefs that are ultimately going to get us to that better place. It is knowing that we are capable of making change that matters. It is knowing what works right now just may not work in a few weeks, months or even years. But I can only worry about now, because if I do not worry about now, a few weeks from now won't matter anyway.

So......................... Here is what is to be learned about buying gadgets, books, exercise equipment, video and audio programs, gym memberships, weight loss programs and Rotisseries................... They will most likely get you through a period of your journey; and that is it. So stop looking back on why you don't take advantage of or use them any longer; it doesn't matter, they helped when you needed help. And if you happen to use these resources once in a blue moon and it helps get you through that period/that day where motivation might have been lacking.............Hooray for you!

I think I'll use my Flavor Wave tonight!

Friday, November 09, 2007

You Can Get Skinny Getting Picked Up In A Bar

So I'm sitting at the bar in a restaurant last night enjoying my dinner. I was really enjoying my dinner. The portion however was oh so very large and this was going to be one of those moments where packing it up and taking it home just wasn't going to be very easy.

Well a couple sitting next to me started conversing with me. Before I knew it we were laughing about common interests, common experiences, and even some common people we knew (it really is a small world). I had forgotten about my meal. Eventually I turned and looked down at the plate to find half of it remaining. I was satisfied.

The bartender offered to wrap it up. I declined.

It wasn't about the food. I regularly eat alone while traveling. I regularly sit at the bar and end up engaged in conversations with strangers. It's not about the food. I make it about the experience.

What about you............ are your dining out experiences about the food experience or the experience outside of the food?

And you thought this post was going to be juicy.........ending up in a bedroom. Shame on you.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Biscotti Got Smaller; The Price Remained the Same

I'm traveling today and found myself in one of my favorite coffee shops.

While on line, the rather large person in front of me commented to her friend that the Biscotti got smaller, but the price remained the same.

And I thought to myself.......................that really is not a bad thing.............smaller versions of sugar, fat and empty calories should always be welcomed. Maybe the coffee shop is doing their part to help with the obesity epidemic. That must be it.

So back to our story.................. Her friend suggested she buy two. I thought to myself that she really didn't need one or perhaps they could share one.

They say size matters. I agree. Smaller sizes matter. Smaller sizes of crappy food will lead to a smaller size you - and isn't that what this is all about?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Please Pass The Jelly!

I was looking through the fridge this evening and realized I had a heck of a lot of jams and jellies. So........................................... how about a little cooking tip this evening.

I just finished eating a delicious chicken stir fry. While I was cooking it I decided to throw a couple of tablespoons of orange marmalade into the wok. I did this right at the end. As soon as the marmalade liquefied I mixed the whole concoction to evenly distribute the marmalade over the chicken and assorted vegetables.

I've got a new favorite!

How about you................Is there an ingredient in your fridge waiting to be used in/on something new?

Monday, November 05, 2007

Rich, You Don't Eat A Lot. Have More.

That was the comment that was made to me the other night while out for dinner.

Well for those of you who own my audio program you might remember the piece about people are watching you, talking about you, and not saying nice things. So here goes..............................

Phil had never seen me eat, nor I him; but I guess he was comparing his eating style to mine. His eating style consisted of food stains on his shirt, talking while chewing, and eyeing that last bit of something to make sure he got it. Trust me, you can tell he has gotten the last bits of lots of food. (As an aside, watching that should be enough to scare you and help change your approach to your weight loss)

Well I wasn't paying attention to what was being ordered (as I was having conversation), but I nearly fell off the chair when the appetizers arrived. They were meals. They were also pretty good. So when my actual meal arrived I had a couple of bites and had the rest of it packed up; I'd have dinner for a few weeks! Yes, appetizers were meals and the meals could feed a small country.

Well that's when Phil made the comment, "Rich, you don't eat a lot. Have More?"

My response was "No, I eat just enough. I used to have more and didn't like the feeling that went along with it."

Do you know what feelings I'm talking about? I'm not talking about the discomfort of having eaten too much; I'm talking about something much deeper.

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 02, 2007

What's The Easiest Way To Get Fat?

Leadership, teamwork and being your best were the themes of the two presentations I gave over the last couple of days for a Health Care Network. (Could your organization use this?)

It was a thank you and recognition event for all the office administrative staff within the network. They were given information, breakfast, lunch, goodies and workplace inspiration (yours truly). They met the people who provide the services - yes finally getting to match the face with the name on the phone. It was a fun time and appreciated for all.

But there was some irony. Walking around the vendor booth area (at a health care expo, remember) I noticed something. Candy. Lots of Candy. Why were most of the vendor booths, at a health care expo, remember, offering candy?

Well I asked.

And here was the number one answer: IT WAS THE EASIEST THING.

And it reminded me....................................Stopping at Robert's Deli for breakfast 19 years ago was easy. Mr. C's Deli in White Plains, NY for lunch was easier than making lunch. Stopping for take-out or Roy Rogers for dinner was easier than cooking. Easy. Easy. Easy.

Easy to get fat that is.

Have you ever thought about how easy has done nothing but get you fat? Are you still letting easy get you fat? I hope not.

And Hooray for the one vendor who was giving away Apples and Bran Turds (Fiber One)!!!! - too bad most people didn't take any. I guess it's easier to eat candy.