Friday, November 30, 2007

Weight Loss Success Compliments of South Park

Day 28 of the e-workbook You Have to Get Heavy In Order to Get Skinny is probably one of the toughest exercises - it's about brutal honesty (If you haven't gotten there yet don't look ahead. Remember, no moving forward until you finish the prior days exercises).

But let's face it, sometimes we need brutal honesty; people who are not going to let you make excuses, slack off or give up on yourself.

So what does this have to do with the South Park?

Enter the Accountabilibuddy. I fell in love with the word the first time I heard it. It was while watching an episode of South Park. I think it is pretty clear what the term means and I think you should get one.

An Accountabilibuddy is someone who you can be accountable to; someone who is going to challenge you when you are slacking; someone who you can communicate with regularly as to your progress. Your Accountabilibuddy relationship should be targeted to a specific area; your diet - this person is not going to change your world; there are coaches and shrinks to do that. But remember, the second half of the word is buddy; you've got to be willing to do the same for them; so find someone who has a very similar challenge. I've got one Accountabilibuddy relationship in my business life and about to get another one started.

Why a second one? They are powerful! But be careful who you pick; think long and hard before choosing a friend.

Today's challenge! Find your Accountabilibuddy and set a date to begin by the New Year.


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