Thursday, November 30, 2006

Keep the Doctor Away

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Well tomorrow, December 1st, is Eat A Red Apple Day. So don't forget to do just that.

You'll get some good vitamins.
You'll support the local farmer.
And hopefully you'll keep the doctor away.

Oh and maybe your butt will benefit too!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"O" - Stop Your Worrying

Worried about the cookie swap this holiday season?
  • I don't know why. You decided to participate.

Worried about the leftovers from your holiday party or dinner?

  • I don't know why. You decided to cook so much.

Worried about not having enough time to get in your exercise routine?

  • I don't know why. It was you who made it less of a priority

Do you get my point. There is only one obstacle in this weight loss game. YOU!

So before you start worrying about a scenario, how about taking some time to imagine the successful outcome? (Remember the imagine piece on my audio program?)

So the choice is yours. You can be the Obstacle or the succesful Outcome!

What's it gonna be? And what will you do to make it happen?

Monday, November 27, 2006

Go To Bed!

It's 9:30 PM. I'm tired. I'm cranky. I think I'll go get something to eat. That'll make me feel better.

So have you been here? Can you relate to the above scenario.

Here's an idea...................................

GO TO BED!!!!!

Maybe even with someone.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Turkey That Won't Go Away

The turkey won't go away. Every time I open the fridge there is more there. It was just a 25 lb turkey. There were twelve people here on Thursday. Why is there so much to still eat? I ate if for dinner Friday and for lunch Saturday and for snack Saturday. I am sick of turkey.

Sort of.

Well I decided I wasn't having turkey for dinner again today, so I just had it for brunch. I made a turkey & cranberry sauce omelet. And it was delicious; could be a personal new favorite.

What new, original ideas do you have for leftover turkey. Post them here.

P.S. In this season of giving...................Thanks to those of you who ordered the Yes, You're Fat Audio program over the weekend. Remember, I am giving 20% of the sale price to the CT Food bank from purchases made through mid-December. You did a good thing.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

And now a word from our sponsor!

Follow the link for a special message from Rich:

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

But I Hate Water!

So you hate water?

  • Think of those devastating pictures of New Orleans last year as people scrambled for water being dropped from helicopters.
  • Think of those television infomercials where all those sick and scrawny children are playing and drinking water from mud holes.
  • Think of that last surgical experience where all they would let you have were a few ice chips - and you were more than ecstatic.
  • Think about the fact that there are people on this planet who are walking around on medications when they are only dehydrated - yes dehydration has been misdiagnosed as disease.

So you hate water? You might, but your body doesn't. Go drink a glass. NOW!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Oh This Week Is Shot to Hell Anyway!

Yep, Thanksgiving is Thursday. Yep, this week is shot hell anyway, as I was told yesterday by someone.

Sitting and eating lunch he made that comment as he overindulged in food and drink. Yep, this week is shot to hell. I'll bet last week might have been shot to hell. I'll even bet there will be a reason as to why next week is shot to hell.

So I did some research on the meaning of the phrase shot to hell and came up with this:
  • SHOT TO HELL -- "Badly damaged or fatigued; destroyed.

So how can a week be shot to hell from one meal? One overindulgent meal?

It can't. It shouldn't and it doesn't have to be that way.

Had a bad day? A bad couple of days? Today is your opportunity to rise from hell. Go for it!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Video Games Can Get You Fat.....................or Killed

What is this craze with the Sony Play Station? People were camping out for days to buy a video game? They were sleeping in tents outside stores; even during the monsoon we had here this past Thursday evening. People were being mugged, robbed and even shot; yes shot here in CT. All because they needed to buy a game? All so that they could spend countless hours sitting on their butts allowing it to get bigger and bigger.

People are getting shot and mugged. This is absurd. Thank heaven our addiction is food. I haven’t heard of any stories recently where people were killed for their bagel with cream cheese.

Go take a walk today. Video games and television get you fat. And maybe even killed.

Friday, November 17, 2006

You're Never Too Fat To...........

On my audio program I share a story about a very large woman who rides a bicycle; she was well over 300 lbs. Yes, you read that right. 300 lbs and she rides a bicycle. Just to toot around town but it doesn't matter.

When I think about that woman I always think about all that is out there and how many people are being held back from so many experiences because they think they're too fat.

You're never too fat to ride a bicycle. You're never too fat to do anything. The only thing holding any one of us back from accomplishing anything is our belief system.

So today I ask you to think about what it is you have always wanted to accomplish, but have refrained because of your weight. Please take one step forward today towards a happier existence.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Raise Your Right Hand

Raise Your Right Hand and repeat the following:

I promise,
Cross my heart and hope to die.
I will not wear stretchy-pants to Thanksgiving dinner.

Please return to this page every day between now and next Thursday and repeat the above promise. If you do not do this you will get fat(ter).

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Pumpkin, It's Not Just For Pie Any More

I've been playing with canned pumpkin again. Hey, I've got to play with something. It's raining outside.

This makes a great pancake or waffle recipe.

1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup cornmeal
1 egg
1/2 cup skim milk
vanilla, cinammon, sugar or sugar substitute to taste to your liking.

Try it. It makes one very big waffle.

Monday, November 13, 2006

No, Were Not Having 6 Pies

Thanksgiving dinner is at my house this year. I have been elected - again.

Now of course, everyone has their requests and everyone wants to bring something - PIE!

There will be one pumpkin pie. Mine. The one with the oreo cookie crust and the caramelized pecan topping. There will be one berry pie; the one I was coerced into buying for that ridiculous school fundraiser. Everyone else who wants to bring their pies will have to find another opportunity to get rid of it. It is not being left at my house when the day is over.

Yes. I can send it home. Yes. I can toss it in the garbage. I also know how my mind works. I have a sweet tooth.

There will be only two pies this year. So bring the green salad like I asked. Bring the fruit salad like you have been told.

Or don't show up.

What do you need to do to ensure your Thanksgiving is a sucess?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Position Yourself for Success

It's Friday. The weekend is here. Chances are you might find yourself in a social setting. Staying in control is all about "Positioning".

Where do you position yourself at a party? Near the food? In the food? Stand near the food and chances are it will attach itself to your body – and in places you might not like. So be afraid. Be very afraid. It will find you. Move away. Go to another room. Have a good laugh as you watch others increase their size instead of you.

Go ahead. Try it this weekend. Position yourself for success. It will be good practice for the upcoming holidays.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thanksgiving is Cancelled This Year

Thanksgiving is cancelled this year.

There will be no stuffing. No mashed potatoes. No green bean casserole.
There will be no turkey. No creamed onions. No apple pie. No Pumpkin pie.
There will also be no nasty minced meat pie. (and why the hell do they call it minced meat when there is not meat in it.)
There will be no excessive drinking brought on by relatives who are insensitive to your needs and desires about living a longer and healthier life.
There will be no leftovers to worry about eating after everyone has gone.
There will be no fights over who has to clean up as there will be nothing to clean up.

In an effort to fight the obesity epidemic I am canceling Thanksgiving. Please join me in conquering obesity; pass this message along by clicking here:

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Those little extras can kill you. Or maybe not.

Walk a little further today. Just a little bit. Can you do that?

Don’t eat the last bite at every meal today. Can you do that?

Add one more fruit or vegetable serving to your dinner tonight. Can you do that?

Drink just one more glass of water today. Can you do that?

Tell one more person about your weight loss endeavor today. Can you do that?

But more importantly, what are some of the little extras that you can do today to make it an even more successful day in your weight loss journey.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Try Is Not An Option

I'm gonna try this week. I'm going to try again.

Try. Try. Try.

The great philosopher Yoda said, "Do or do not. There is no try."

I agree.

To a point.

As far as I am concerned there is no do not.

Now go do!

Go do what you need to do to get skinny, be healthy and stay out of the doctor's office.
Go do what you need to do to eat right today.
Go do what you need to do to fit some exercise in your life today.
Go do what you need to do to get to your meeting this week.
Go do what you need to do to fit into the red slutty thing during the holiday season.

Try? Try gives you an out. You keep "trying" and you're going to have to let your seam out. Again!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Breakfast anyone?

How about a little recipe this morning.

Try crushing up some shredded wheat. Add milk to it, to make it batter-like. Add some vanilla or other flavoring and some sugar or sugar substitute.

Cook it up in a waffle iron or like a pancake.

It’s Saturday!!! You know you don’t want bran turds again this morning!!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Stop Thinking About This

Why am I finding it so difficult to make the right choices? Why can’t I figure this weight/diet thing out once and for all? Why is this so hard? When will I figure it all out?

Have you ever had these thoughts?

I would bet a lot of people reading this blog have these thoughts every day; perhaps several times per day.

I would like to ask you some different questions:

  1. Why do you spend so much time looking for those answers?
  2. Why do you waste countless hours trying to figure out when this will end; when it will become easier?
  3. Why not just focus your efforts on moving forward and let the end result play out all by itself?

The preceding seems like a much more productive use of your time. Don’t you agree?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Day After

It’s 8:00 AM.

I just got back from walking the dogs. I got quite a chuckle – candy wrappers everywhere. Guess no one waits until they get home any longer so mom and dad can go through the bag and see which candy could be poisoned. Or is it that their parents have begun to understand the youth obesity epidemic and the kids were eating as much as possible before arriving home when mom and dad throw half of the crap away. Yes, closet eating starts at an early age.

Yes, it is the day after. How much candy is available to you? And what really is the best thing you could do with that candy in order to feel in control. The best thing.

Now go do it.