Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Turkey That Won't Go Away

The turkey won't go away. Every time I open the fridge there is more there. It was just a 25 lb turkey. There were twelve people here on Thursday. Why is there so much to still eat? I ate if for dinner Friday and for lunch Saturday and for snack Saturday. I am sick of turkey.

Sort of.

Well I decided I wasn't having turkey for dinner again today, so I just had it for brunch. I made a turkey & cranberry sauce omelet. And it was delicious; could be a personal new favorite.

What new, original ideas do you have for leftover turkey. Post them here.

P.S. In this season of giving...................Thanks to those of you who ordered the Yes, You're Fat Audio program over the weekend. Remember, I am giving 20% of the sale price to the CT Food bank from purchases made through mid-December. You did a good thing.


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