So, your friend is Skinny. She drives you absolutely crazy. She worries about every little morsel that goes into her mouth. Let's face it, her world would end if her size two was just a bit snug for about thirty seconds.
Be patient with her. Empathize with her feelings. Recognize that she needs your help. Perhaps share a bottle of water with her; or even a piece of fruit. Perhaps you can suggest that the two of you take a walk; or better yet a jog. You'll be supporting a friend. And we all know that a friend in need..........
Living with Skinny friends is a skill. It requires work. You just never know when she will go off the deep end; but you need to be prepared. You need to get into her mind and ask what the heck is going on. You need to recognize that at that very moment it is all about her, and not you. Come to think of it, it is never about you, only about her. But that is okay, her self-esteem and self-worth are much worse than yours. Inside that perfect little body is the feeling of imperfection. Be proud of the fact that you are not her; but be kind at the same time.
So in conclusion, always remember this ......Skinny people are more screwed up than fat people.
Hmmm............. Maybe tackling this obesity problem might not be such a good thing after all; then an even greater percentage of people would be screwed up.
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