Friday, April 21, 2006

Is there a bomb shelter in your home?

Hey Skinny!

Many of you reading this might not even know what a bomb shelter is. But I think the term “bomb shelter” is self-explanatory.

In a bomb shelter you keep canned goods and other non-perishable items – just in case. When I lost my weight 17 years ago I developed the “Rich’s Bomb Shelter Approach to Dieting, Weight Loss and Weight Management.”

It is very simple. Always make sure your home/pantry is stocked with non-perishable foods that will support your weight loss efforts. Here is a short list of things just to get you started: canned fruit & veggies (you can stretch the concept a bit to include frozen), pasta, tuna, canned chicken, canned beans, milk that requires no refrigeration until opened, oatmeal, cold cereal, peanut butter, crackers.

Bottom line is this; you should never be able to walk into your home and say to yourself, “There is nothing to eat.” Because you and I both know what happens when there is “nothing to eat” in the house.

So why am I writing this? I am getting ready to leave on vacation for a few weeks. When I return the last thing I am going to want to do is go grocery shopping. But at least I will be able to eat healthy.

So use my list. Add your own stuff to the list. But start filling your bomb shelter today.

If you do not do this, you will get fat!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What did you eat for breakfast?

So what did the Easter Bunny bring you? Did he/she bring you stuff that would support your weight loss efforts? Or is your home now loaded with sugar and garbage that will derail your efforts?

What are you going to do today to ensure you continue on the road to weight loss success? What needs to happen with the troublesome Easter basket?

Eating it all in one sitting and then starting your diet is not an option.

You deserve to be Skinny and healthy. I hope you realize that.

Sunday, April 16, 2006



Eat Marshmallow Peeps!! They’re delicious!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Alcohol. Donuts. It's all the same.

Wouldn’t it be great if every person in your life supported your weight loss efforts? Wouldn’t it be great if your spouse, partner or whomever would stop bringing crap in the house?

Well here is something for you to ponder.........

Imagine living with someone who used to drink “a bit?” Imagine having alcohol in your home, yet that person never says anything to you. They just do what they have to do to keep clean. Can you imagine the challenge for this person? 20 years later?

There are people in your life who will continue to fill the house with sugar, fat and all kinds of other crap. I know you have perseverance and strength to “deal” with it. I hope you know it as well. If you don’t, consider the example above. So suck up and deal with the donuts; things could be worse.

Thanks Elizabeth for this great perspective!

Monday, April 10, 2006

It's Monday!

It’s Monday again!


Are you ready to start the diet all over this morning? Are you ready to get serious this time? Are you going to sign up for the latest weight loss program today? Are you going to throw out all the crap? Or bring it to the office?


It’s Monday, the day of the week when most people start their diet for the first time, the last time; the final time.


Of course there are those people who do not start and stop their diet, but rather keep persevering through the tougher times. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could do that?


Happy Monday Kids!



Monday, April 03, 2006

Can you spell the word N-U-T-R-I-T-I-O-N?

Okay, I do not care whether you’re counting points, or fat grams or calories, or whatever else you count; but eating half a box of cookies and losing weight should not be a sign from up above that it is okay to do so.


Yep, I had this debate with a 300 lb woman just recently. She was proud that she lost weight and ate half a box of cookies. She saw nothing wrong with the behavior or lack of control. When asked if she could have made a healthier choice or had fewer cookies along with a healthier choice, she commented why it should matter if it fits into her plan.


I hope she has good medical insurance. My gut feeling is she will need it in the future.