Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Chance For Your Choice of Gym Equipment

If you possess a gym membership I suggest you get there today. Today you will find that great parking spot. Today you will not have to wait to use your favorite treadmill, bike, or stair climber. Today the locker room will be empty. Today you will get a spot right next to your favorite aerobics instructor (Oh, 1989, I still remember "Hot Sue" at Bally's in Yonkers; still can't believe the nerd that ultimately won her heart - good for him!).

But this all changes tomorrow................

The New Year's Resolution crowd will be back at the gyms and diet programs starting tomorrow. The New Year's Resolution crowd will once again be fattening up the U.S. economy (which may not be a bad thing) in hopes of slimming down themselves.

But not you, you stuck it out. You made it through the holidays with ease and grace; okay maybe not ease, but you never gave in. So maybe the results weren't as stellar as you expected; remember, you're not part of the New Year's Resolution crowd. Or maybe you blew the results out of the water. How about sharing with me how you did it?

My hat is off to your success. 2008 can only bring you better things.

Oh and don't worry, by mid February the New Year's Resolution crowd has usually thinned out - and I'm not talking their size.


Are you or someone you know and love a part of the New Year's Resolution crowd or perhaps looking for another approach to your weight loss? Are there other resolutions you usually make but for some reason can't deliver? Could you use a tool to get you back on track at any time during the day, month, week or year? If so, spend some time with me on the phone tomorrow at the No More Resolutions Teleseminar; it might be the best 45 minutes you invest in yourself in the new year.


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