Saturday, July 05, 2008

How To Get Back On Your Diet!

Here's a simple approach to getting back on your diet after a fun holiday weekend which may have included one too many hot dogs, two too many ice creams and way too many alcoholic beverages:

  1. Throw out all the crap in your house that somehow mysteriously found its way into your kitchen during the weekend. Now of course you had nothing to do with its arrival, I know that. Please use a garbage can as the receptacle of the crap, not your mouth.
  2. Throw away all the sad and evil thoughts about having "blown it" this weekend. You did it. No, you're not weak; you're normal - as frightening as that may seem. Now is time to focus on moving on, not wondering why you did whatever.
  3. Throw your workout gear in your car or put it someplace visible - hopefully it still fits. On Monday, USE IT!
  4. Throw a healthy lunch together Sunday night to take with you on Monday morning. Healthy does not mean boring, unsatisfying, depriving or prepared from the standpoint of punishment. You take that approach and next weekend you'll once again be dealing with one too many hot dogs, two too many ice creams and way too many alcoholic beverages.

That's it; four easy simple steps.

Well for most people.

Looking for a humorous speaker on weight loss, weight management and obesity; contact Rich DiGirolamo at


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