Friday, February 16, 2007

This is not ROCKET SCIENCE!!!

"I'm always hungry. I eat a small breakfast. I eat a light lunch and then I eat a large dinner. But I'm always hungry" said Cindy.

Okay, let's try this again........

"I'm always hungry. I eat a small breakfast. I eat a light lunch and then I eat a large dinner. But I'm always hungry" said Cindy.

Okay, let's try this again........ (Nah, let's not. I have no patience for this nonsense.)

"So eat more during the day" I say to her.

She replies with "then I won't have enough points for my dinner."

I reply with "maybe you won't need as many if you tried eating during the day."

She replies with "it won't work."

I think to myself "she'll always be fat and she needs to listen to my Yes_You're_Fat_Audio_Program to have some common sense pounded into her head.

This is not Rocket Science people. If something is not working, stop doing it already!


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